Wednesday, November 11, 2009

RIP Grandpa Mutchler

On Friday, November 6th, Edwin Mutchler, 91 years of age, passed away peacefully at Hospice of Northwest Ohio. He had a stroke just a short two weeks earlier and his body grew tired. We were not ready for him to go but he had plans to join his wife again. What a true love story their life showed us! The funeral today at Zoar was just perfect. Denny did a wonderful job speaking about both of his grandparents and I am really proud of him, as I know his Grandma and Grandpa would be too. We will miss you Grandpa!


Jenny and Jon said...

That is not easy to lose two grandparents so close together, or to speak at a loved one's funeral, great job Denny! We are thinking of you and your family right now.

Mimi and Papa said...

It was an emotional day for all. We love you, Mimi

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Prayers for Grandpa and Grandma Mutchler!