It was lots of fun and I received many beautiful gifts for Lucy! Gifts included: stroller/car seat combo (Thanks Dee, Stacy, Megan, and Emily), onesies galore!, baskets and liners, nightlight, books, adorable outfits, blankets, diapers/wipes, diaper champ, bassinet, bath products, towels and washcloths, Bumbo seat, boppy, and much much more! Three teachers that I work with also crafted me the most beautiful Diaper Cake!
Laura is measuring my belly for one of the games! Most everyone cut their string WAY too big :)
We feel very lucky to have received such generous gifts! My mom also cleaned out the closets in our guest bedrooms so we have an entire closet ready for Lucy's things. Thanks Mom...I'm impressed with your energy! Now it is time to get the nursery painted so I can put it all away...
What a wonderful shower! Laura is a mini Martha Stewart! Thanks also to Canon for helping as this was a huge party with so many personal touches.
It was fun to spend time getting the baby's room ready. Lucy won't ever really use those beautiful upholstered bumper pads but they are so pretty and lush. Ha ha! love, mimi
Lovely baby shower, what a joy to celebrate with friends! Next month, we'll do it all over again with family! Baby Lucy will be spoiled with so many heartfelt gifts. What a blessed child she already is! Looking forward to seeing you three this weekend. :)
It was my absolute honor to have the celebration for my favorite baby and one of my closest friends :). Canon and I are very blessed to have such wonderful friends like you and Denny. We love you and Lucy, too!! Great pictures!
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