Sunday, April 1, 2012

35 Weeks!

Baby Eddie is getting closer to his GRAND ENTRANCE! I am now 35 weeks pregnant and will begin my weekly exams with Dr. Atwood.

I'm very eager to hear if anything is happening yet. Although I do NOT want to rush him, he still needs to grow another month. But when 9 months pregnant, working, with a 2-year-old, a little earlier wouldn't be a bad thing in my eyes! And most importantly....I'm dying to meet him! :)

Here is a belly shot of Eddie at 35 weeks!
Photo on 4-1-12 at 1.37 PM #2
He is riding low and seems to be in "position" already but I'll wait for Dr. Atwood to confirm that.

Here is baby Lucy at 35 weeks!

And here is one of the first pictures we have of Lucy. I'm dying to see Eddie and wonder if he will look like his big sister!


Mimi and Papa said...

I made a habit of having my babies at around 36 weeks and weighing in at under 5.9. You might think it is nice to have an early baby, but it is so much safer to go full term. We will come visit over my spring break and then again when Eddie arrives. Relax and take care of yourself.
ps. Grams bday is April 29 in case you want a target.

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

I think April 29th would be awesome!!! We are dying to meet this little boy!!!

Jenny and Jon said...

He will come in his own time, hopefully not LATE like my little SB...those last days nearly killed me but you cand do it:) There is nothing like the excitement of a new baby, almost just almost makes me think I could do it again...ahhh. Good luck, rest up, and hang in there mama!!

Melanie said...

Crazy how different you're carrying!!! Hang in there Mama, he'll be here soon enough. Enjoy your last days as a beautiful family of 3. Can't wait for his arrival.