Monday, April 23, 2012

It Fell Off!

Today Grandma DeeDee came to Columbus to spend the day with Lucy!  They had a great day together and had lots of fun. Their day included Barnes and Noble storytime, a special McDonald's lunch, and lots of playing.  Thanks Dee for offering to spend the day with Lucy.  She sure loved your visit!

I had to get this in the record books, though...Dee texted me in the afternoon and said something like "you won't believe what Lucy did!"  I was dying to hear the story all afternoon...

So before nap, Dee changed Lucy's diaper and then laid her in her crib with just diaper and shirt on.  She said goodnight and walked out.  Minutes later she looked in the video monitor(Thank God we have one!) and noticed Lucy holding something that looked like a diaper in her hand.  Sure enough, Dee ran into Lucy's room and Lucy was holding her dirty diaper.  She looked at Dee and said, "It fell off!" HAHAHAH!  To top it off, the poop also "fell out" and was laying in her crib. HAHAH!  So after changing the bedding and diaper, Dee laid Lucy down for her nap, this time with pants on. HA!

Oh, Lucy!  I had to get this written down.  Hopefully your first and last diaper in the crib incident! :)

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