She decided to top her outfit with a bright pink, layered tutu! Who doesn't need to wear a tutu to lunch?!?! I snapped some pictures on my phone of our lunch date.
In other news...we've had quite a week leading up to Easter. Sunday night at 11:30 pm Lucy woke up crying and proceeded to throw up all over me. She was sick and vomitting ALL NIGHT LONG! I think it was about 11:30pm to 6:00am. It was so, so awful. After a wonderful week off, enjoying Spring Break, this occurred hours before we were all to return to work. Denny and I were up with her all night long, doing loads of dirty laundry, and trying to make her as comfortable as possible.
Luckily, Denny and I did not catch the bug and 3 days later she is on the mend. Taking off 2 days, after Spring Break, was not easy but I had to be with her. We did lots of cuddling and napping together. We spent all day Monday and Tuesday in the house and getting better.
iPhone pictures from our days at home...
The entire time we cared for Lucy I couldn't help but think how lucky we are. How truly blessed we all are with our health. Sounds strange...I know. But there is a young girl, 15 months old, in Granville that is terminally ill with cancer. She is constantly going through chemo, risky procedures, and just plain feeling just horrible. As I held a weak, tearful Lucy I thanked God for her health and all the blessing we have as a family. I knew we would get through this flu and there was an end to this dark tunnel. I also prayed many times for the young baby with cancer and even more for her parents. We are so lucky.
On a more positive note....Lucy is beginning to eat again and get her energy back. Now we will finish the work week and prepare for a low-key Easter in Perrysburg. We need lots of relaxing and fun. Lucy is very excited about Easter eggs right now and will love a Easter Egg Hunt!
Here is our 2012 Easter Card!
Happy Easter to all!
Blessings abound for our family and I am grateful to God for all of you. Such a sweet post about Lucy. xo
I'm so happy to hear that she's feeling well again. I can't wait to see her in her "Easter best" all ready for the Easter Egg Hunt!!
P.S. this is when bloopers are still a blessing!
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