Thursday, January 12, 2012

Playdate with the Brzozka's

Over Christmas Break, we were lucky enough to have a playdate with Melanie and Gretel & Heather and Stella while we were all in town.  Julia kindly hosted and it was a blast to have a house full of GIRLS!

I couldn't resist holding Baby Gretel!
She is a precious, beautiful baby girl.

And it was great to see Melanie, even if it was a short visit, we do not get to see eachother enough.

Melanie's older sister, Heather, came too.  With her adorable toddler, Stella!

We exchanged some presents, had lunch, and played.

And here's the best attempt at getting a picture of all the GIRLS!
Melanie's holding Gretel and Stella, then Ellie, I'm holding Lucy, and standing is Anneliese!

It was great to see you Melanie and Heather.  Your daughters are beautiful and I can't wait to see you both again soon.


Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Isn't it funny that neither Heather or Melanie are "Brzozka's" anymore and we still call them this? I wonder if they call us "the Peshke girls." Crack me up! Being at NDA last night for Zumba flooded me with were we so blessed to end up there?

Melanie said...

So much fun!! Wish we could see each other more often. Look at all the beautiful girls. Your sure to be handsome little man is going to be very out numbered!

...and of course you're the Peshke girls!!

Mimi and Papa said...

The four of you and your beautiful daughters should be in a magazine.
This is a special bond. love!