Sunday, January 22, 2012

First Swimming Lesson

January 14th Lucy had her very first SWIMMING LESSON!  She was very excited about this and kept telling us "pool," "jump in wa-wa," "swimsuit!"  Some of this excitement steams from watching Aubrey's swim lesson during the week.  Lucy and Megan watch Aubrey's lesson during the school week and she always eagerly tells me about "Aubrey jumping in the wa-wa!'

Here is Miss L trekking through the snow (Brrrr!) on the first day of swim lessons.
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She got right in with Daddy, big smile on her face, and was ready to go!
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She did lots of kicking, singing, screaming, and splashing!
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Can you spot Lucy?! HA!
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She also got to play with their pool toys!
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More pictures from Lucy's 2nd lesson and some videos coming soon!

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