Sunday, January 8, 2012

Christmas 2011

We had a wonderful Christmas Day with our families in Perrysburg.  Lucy woke up VERY early - I think it was about 6:15am!  (I told Denny she was getting him back for always waking up early as a child.) We opened gifts, played in our pj's and enjoyed Mimi and Papa in the morning.

Then we went to the Ehrmin's for breakfast and gifts, GIFTS, GIFTS!  Wow, I think it was over 1.5 hours we spent opening presents.

Here is Grace in the wrapping paper at the end...
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Lucy enjoyed slowly opening each present, enjoying the opening part much more than what was inside!
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Although, the laptop did catch her attention.  She carried it right over to Grandpa and said "Open!"
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Gracie liked it, too!
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Another hit were the Mega Blocks!  Lucy has loved them ever since she played with Aubrey's at  the Crumley's.  She knew just what they were and wanted to "play blocks!"
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It was a wonderful Christmas Day and we enjoyed a low-key, relaxing day with our families.
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That evening we went back to Mimi and Papa's for dinner and to spend time with the O'Bryant Grandparents and Gigi.  No pictures were taken and it was short lived because Miss Lucy was tapped out!  She did perk up to play with Ellie and Anneliese but she was totally ready for BED by 7:00! What a day she had!

Thanks so everyone for a wonderful Christmas!  We are lucky to have such a great family.

1 comment:

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Merry Christmas! (Now, start the year off right and take a few belly pictures. You'll regret it if you don't!)