Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Christmas Eve 2011

We had a wonderful Christmas Eve this year with our families.  First, we attended Zoar's Christmas Eve church service with the Ehrmin's.  Lucy was an angel the whole service and enjoyed hearing the Christmas songs and watching all the other children.

Then, we went to Aunt Debbie and Uncle Tony's annual Christmas Eve Party!  There home was beautiful again this year, as always, and the food was great!  It was even more fun because there is a whole new generation of children...
Christmas 2011_111224_0056
Christmas 2011_111224_0049

The chaos of children, babies, and gifts was a blast!

Lucy got a cute, pink piggy bank that evening and was very protective of it!
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My studly little brother, "Uncle Jay" joined the fun. (I guess he is not so "little" anymore.  Turning 20 this month.)
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And our wonderful "Grams" "G-G" wore her funny hat for the kids!

We are lucky to have such a beautiful, loving Grandmother.

We returned back to Mimi and Papa's house that evening to open MORE presents!  It was the most relaxing, fun evening.  Ellie got a dollhouse, Anneliese got a baby doll, Lucy got a kitchen and shopping cart!  The girls loved pushing the shopping cart up and down the hallway ALL NIGHT LONG!

Unfortunately, I was so relaxed that this is the ONLY picture I got.  SORRY!
(I'll get a picture of Lucy with this new kitchen, play food, and shopping cart soon.)


Mimi and Papa said...

and Christmas 2011 is over....Wow it sure goes by quickly, and just wait until you have two babies. Here's to another MERRY Christmas.

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Mimi's comments about "wait till two babies" are hilarious. She doesn't quit! For now, my best advice is ENJOY THE ONE! Savor the moments when you are only worried about getting one baby buckled into the carseat and one baby into a high chair and one baby put down to bed. Don't worry about how it will be with two! ;) Mimi, shhhh! Ha!

Mimi and Papa said...

Why do you want to hide the reality from Frances? We want her to know in advance that life with one baby is nothing like like with two babies. It is like hiding the truth about childbirth. If I can't tell the truth to my daughters, who can. hahaha.

Melanie said...

It can't be that bad...Mimi was crazy and went for 3 close in age!!!! :)