Saturday, January 14, 2012

Heard Around The House...

This evening during bath time Lucy was standing up and doing full seat drops!  While it was funny the first time, she was getting water EVERYWHERE and Daddy asked her to stop.  He said, "You will have to go to Time Out if you jump again."  Well, you can guess....she jumped again!

Daddy wrapped her in a towel and sat her in the hallway.  When I looked out into the hall she was looking at me with very serious eyes.  Then she said "sitting in Time Out!"  And I asked, "Why are you in Time Out, Lucy?"  She instantly responded, "jumping in the wa-wa!"

HAHA!  Wow, sometimes her comprehension shocks us!

1 comment:

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Awesome follow through for Denny! That's exactly how it should work!!! Silly girl, testing the limits!! ;)