Wednesday, January 25, 2012

23 Months!

It is hard to believe that Lucy is 23 months old.  We all know that means she is one month from 24 MONTHS or 2 YEARS OLD!  Seriously, where does this time go? 2 years!

Lucy is changing every single day right now but most notably is her vocabulary and self-expression.  She can successfully tell us exactly what she wants and exactly what she DOESN'T want! :)  She has begun 2-3 word phrases, including:

-Mommy, read book
-iPad show, please
-See Mimi Papa doggies
-Aubrey jump and swimming
-hotdog and ketchup, please
-No, want to (one of our favorites - ha!)
-Daddy, play blocks
-Go Aubrey, Go Aubrey, Go (whenever she hears music)
-awww cute

Bedtime routine has also changed.  We now do dinner around 6:00 and then play/dance/etc downstairs.  Then it's bathtime around 7:00. After pj's Lucy requests wa-wa after brushing her teeth.  Then it's "read a book" in her room.  She has her favorites and tells us which books she wants to hear.  After a few books, she will say "sleepy" and we lay her in her crib.  She will ask to be "cover up"and then will begin "Bye Bye" "Love You" "Night Night" etc.  It is so cute.  Often after closing her bedroom door she will continue her sentiments hoping to hear us answer through her door.  He current bedtime is 7:30-8:00pm depending on the length of bathtime and the number of books she wants to read.

Here are some recent pictures Megan shared with me.  First, Lucy enjoying a special rice krispie treat that Trevor and Aubrey made for her.
lucy treat
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lucy treat2
lucy treat 3
Megan said she didn't eat any of the rice krispie treat but diligently licked all of the frosting off!

Here Lucy is painting with Aubrey.  Lucy adores "coloring" "painting" and "markers!" now-a-days.  And  Megan is wonderful to do art with them almost every day.

But wait, I have an ITCH!
Lucy paint
Lucy paint1
Lucy paint2
Lucy paint3

Miss Lucy, Mommy and Daddy love you so much.  We are excited to celebrate your second birthday with you next month!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Christmas iPhone Video

Here's a little iPhone video from Lucy's 2nd Christmas! (The password is "Lucy")

Christmas 2011 from Momma Ehrm. on Vimeo.

First Swimming Lesson

January 14th Lucy had her very first SWIMMING LESSON!  She was very excited about this and kept telling us "pool," "jump in wa-wa," "swimsuit!"  Some of this excitement steams from watching Aubrey's swim lesson during the week.  Lucy and Megan watch Aubrey's lesson during the school week and she always eagerly tells me about "Aubrey jumping in the wa-wa!'

Here is Miss L trekking through the snow (Brrrr!) on the first day of swim lessons.
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She got right in with Daddy, big smile on her face, and was ready to go!
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She did lots of kicking, singing, screaming, and splashing!
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Can you spot Lucy?! HA!
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She also got to play with their pool toys!
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More pictures from Lucy's 2nd lesson and some videos coming soon!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Baby Boy @ 22 Weeks

Here is a belly pic of Baby Boy Ehrmin at 22 weeks!
Laura's Baby Shower_120107_0015

It is hard to believe I will be 6 months into this pregnancy this week.  Wow, does time fly!  That also means in 4 short months, or less, HE WILL BE HERE!

Tomorrow I have a check-up and get to hear his heartbeat again.  It is always a wonderful sound! Lucy will join me at the appointment and usually is a very good girl.  Playing with my iPhone or iPad or shyly watching on.

Baby Boy,
We can't wait to meet you.  I can feel you actively kicking and moving around in my belly.  My favorite thing to do before I go to bed, is rest my hand on my belly, and feel your movements.  Daddy has been able to feel you move a lot, too!  This weekend Lucy said "Baby Brother" for the first time.  She is going to love you so much.  You are lucky to have each other.  Keep on growing Baby Boy!


Saturday, January 14, 2012

Heard Around The House...

This evening during bath time Lucy was standing up and doing full seat drops!  While it was funny the first time, she was getting water EVERYWHERE and Daddy asked her to stop.  He said, "You will have to go to Time Out if you jump again."  Well, you can guess....she jumped again!

Daddy wrapped her in a towel and sat her in the hallway.  When I looked out into the hall she was looking at me with very serious eyes.  Then she said "sitting in Time Out!"  And I asked, "Why are you in Time Out, Lucy?"  She instantly responded, "jumping in the wa-wa!"

HAHA!  Wow, sometimes her comprehension shocks us!

New Year's Eve 2011/2012

The Burrows came to Columbus again this New Year's Eve to celebrate with us!  It was a great time and the girls, as always, had a total blast.

We went to North Market in the afternoon to get some good food for dinner.
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We made a great dinner, enjoyed Mimi's strawberry pie, and relaxed all night.  The girls on the other had were busy bodies...
They loved bath time in the BIG TUB!

And in the morning I made "2012" pancakes!

Lucy loves "cake" and "syrpp!"

Sunday, before the Burrows headed back to Perrysburg, we went to Polaris' Play Area!  It was a hit with the girls and they had a blast.

The walk in the mall started like this...
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And seconds later we had this...
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Then it was playtime!  Each girl had their own preference.  Rarely did they play together...

Anneliese liked the treehouse slide.
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Ellie liked to run around like a "wild woman" and play with the other boys.  Crack me up!
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Lucy liked to make faces for my camera! HA!
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Lucy wasn't always sure which way was "up!"
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They all loved the BIG SLIDE!
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And don't worry, A and L, took breaks for snacks.
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Playtime was over...we were off for some Mellow Mushroom Pizza!
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Thanks for visiting Burrows.  We had a great time.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Playdate with the Brzozka's

Over Christmas Break, we were lucky enough to have a playdate with Melanie and Gretel & Heather and Stella while we were all in town.  Julia kindly hosted and it was a blast to have a house full of GIRLS!

I couldn't resist holding Baby Gretel!
She is a precious, beautiful baby girl.

And it was great to see Melanie, even if it was a short visit, we do not get to see eachother enough.

Melanie's older sister, Heather, came too.  With her adorable toddler, Stella!

We exchanged some presents, had lunch, and played.

And here's the best attempt at getting a picture of all the GIRLS!
Melanie's holding Gretel and Stella, then Ellie, I'm holding Lucy, and standing is Anneliese!

It was great to see you Melanie and Heather.  Your daughters are beautiful and I can't wait to see you both again soon.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Happy 5th Anniversary!

It is hard to believe we just celebrated our 5th anniversary.  Time sure flys!

Here is a picture(Mimi's iPhone) of us sharing the gender of baby #2 with our families.  We are so blessed to have each other, our beautiful daughter, Lucy, and a baby BOY on his way in May.  It is amazing what has happened in just 5 short years (new jobs, new house, new cards, baby girl, baby boy, and so much more.)

We spend our anniversary evening at home with a great Filet Mignon dinner...

...and an even better chocolate fondue dessert!

Happy 5 Years, Denny!  I can't imagine what another 5 years will bring us.

Christmas 2011

We had a wonderful Christmas Day with our families in Perrysburg.  Lucy woke up VERY early - I think it was about 6:15am!  (I told Denny she was getting him back for always waking up early as a child.) We opened gifts, played in our pj's and enjoyed Mimi and Papa in the morning.

Then we went to the Ehrmin's for breakfast and gifts, GIFTS, GIFTS!  Wow, I think it was over 1.5 hours we spent opening presents.

Here is Grace in the wrapping paper at the end...
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Lucy enjoyed slowly opening each present, enjoying the opening part much more than what was inside!
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Although, the laptop did catch her attention.  She carried it right over to Grandpa and said "Open!"
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Gracie liked it, too!
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Another hit were the Mega Blocks!  Lucy has loved them ever since she played with Aubrey's at  the Crumley's.  She knew just what they were and wanted to "play blocks!"
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It was a wonderful Christmas Day and we enjoyed a low-key, relaxing day with our families.
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That evening we went back to Mimi and Papa's for dinner and to spend time with the O'Bryant Grandparents and Gigi.  No pictures were taken and it was short lived because Miss Lucy was tapped out!  She did perk up to play with Ellie and Anneliese but she was totally ready for BED by 7:00! What a day she had!

Thanks so everyone for a wonderful Christmas!  We are lucky to have such a great family.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Christmas Eve 2011

We had a wonderful Christmas Eve this year with our families.  First, we attended Zoar's Christmas Eve church service with the Ehrmin's.  Lucy was an angel the whole service and enjoyed hearing the Christmas songs and watching all the other children.

Then, we went to Aunt Debbie and Uncle Tony's annual Christmas Eve Party!  There home was beautiful again this year, as always, and the food was great!  It was even more fun because there is a whole new generation of children...
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The chaos of children, babies, and gifts was a blast!

Lucy got a cute, pink piggy bank that evening and was very protective of it!
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My studly little brother, "Uncle Jay" joined the fun. (I guess he is not so "little" anymore.  Turning 20 this month.)
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And our wonderful "Grams" "G-G" wore her funny hat for the kids!

We are lucky to have such a beautiful, loving Grandmother.

We returned back to Mimi and Papa's house that evening to open MORE presents!  It was the most relaxing, fun evening.  Ellie got a dollhouse, Anneliese got a baby doll, Lucy got a kitchen and shopping cart!  The girls loved pushing the shopping cart up and down the hallway ALL NIGHT LONG!

Unfortunately, I was so relaxed that this is the ONLY picture I got.  SORRY!
(I'll get a picture of Lucy with this new kitchen, play food, and shopping cart soon.)