Lucy is changing every single day right now but most notably is her vocabulary and self-expression. She can successfully tell us exactly what she wants and exactly what she DOESN'T want! :) She has begun 2-3 word phrases, including:
-Mommy, read book
-iPad show, please
-See Mimi Papa doggies
-Aubrey jump and swimming
-hotdog and ketchup, please
-No, want to (one of our favorites - ha!)
-Daddy, play blocks
-Go Aubrey, Go Aubrey, Go (whenever she hears music)
-awww cute
Bedtime routine has also changed. We now do dinner around 6:00 and then play/dance/etc downstairs. Then it's bathtime around 7:00. After pj's Lucy requests wa-wa after brushing her teeth. Then it's "read a book" in her room. She has her favorites and tells us which books she wants to hear. After a few books, she will say "sleepy" and we lay her in her crib. She will ask to be "cover up"and then will begin "Bye Bye" "Love You" "Night Night" etc. It is so cute. Often after closing her bedroom door she will continue her sentiments hoping to hear us answer through her door. He current bedtime is 7:30-8:00pm depending on the length of bathtime and the number of books she wants to read.
Here are some recent pictures Megan shared with me. First, Lucy enjoying a special rice krispie treat that Trevor and Aubrey made for her.
Megan said she didn't eat any of the rice krispie treat but diligently licked all of the frosting off!
Here Lucy is painting with Aubrey. Lucy adores "coloring" "painting" and "markers!" now-a-days. And Megan is wonderful to do art with them almost every day.
But wait, I have an ITCH!
Miss Lucy, Mommy and Daddy love you so much. We are excited to celebrate your second birthday with you next month!