Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I'm Alive....

...well just barely. This first whole week back to school is killing me. To top if off, tonight we had Curriculum Night from 6:00-7:00 and I always hate speaking in front of 50 parents. It went fine and I'm GLAD IT'S OVER!

Megan sent me pictures from their trip to the park on Monday. It looks like they had so much fun. I wanted to share them so you can see how much fun little Lucy has with Aubrey. Lucy also officially learned how to say "Auubee!"

They fed the ducks!
...and by the look on Lucy's face I think she LOVED it!

They also played on the playground. Lucy attempted to keep up with Aubrey the whole time I think.

The playground also has a sandbox.

We love Megan and Aubrey so much!


Mimi and Papa said...

It is wonderful to know that Lucy is having such a nice day while you are at work. Aubrey and Megan are amazing!
*I always planned for the parent presentation and it never turned out the way I wanted it to... parents really want to talk one on one anyway. I don't miss that night.

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Cute pictures! See, I knew that dress was calling Lucy's name...look how adorably it fits! :)

Jenny and Jon said...

What a great family you found to watch over Lucy during the day:)