Thursday, August 11, 2011

18 Months Old & Return to School!

Lucy turned 18 months old this week(it hit me hard when a teacher friend asked how old she was today - ugh :( ) and she is officially a walking, talking, lovable toddler. Not sure when this happened!?!?

Post coming soon marking details about our 18 month old and some pictures...

But until then I am in "SCHOOL MODE!" Multiple TO DO lists going, waking up in the middle of the night to jot down a new idea, sweating in my classroom, searching for new ideas on the internet, reading up on curriculum, constantly thinking about my classroom=school starts in 2 weeks!

1 comment:

Jenny and Jon said...

whoa, where did the summer go? I feel like it ought to be about the middle of June now, not the middle of August, I kind of lost about 2 months of my life this year due to newborn comatose lack of sleep those first 8 weeks! Lucy is growing so fast but I've found with J. that each new phase brings more fun and enjoyment:)