Monday, August 15, 2011


At Lucy's 18 month appt. she was 23 lbs (30%) the highest she has been yet!

She was 30 1/2 inches tall (20%) and head circumference of 18 3/4 (80%) that head isn't slowing down! HA! She got just one painful shot. She even cried this time when Dr. Kern was getting the shot ready. And everything else was great. We are blessed to have a beautiful, healthy toddler.

New Words:
1. cookie
2. water (wa-wa)
3. apple
4. Mimi
5. Aubrey (Au-be) Megan's 4 year old daughter's name.
6. out
7. up
8. kiss
9. play (paay)
10. Elmo (eeee-ooo)
11. Bottle (ba-ba)
12. Please (peeesss)
13. Thank You
14. Love You
15. Lucy (u-see) I've got to get this on video camera!!!

*She also sings the tunes of the ABC's, Head Shoulders Knees and Toes, and I Love You.

Question of the Day:
Anyone that knows Lucy really well, what is she saying here?
Lucy 18 months_110814_0045

Guesses?!?!? She says it all the time and I laughed when I saw that Denny captured her saying it while playing in the yard.


Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Hot! Hot! Hot! It was a grill I bet! Winner?

Denny said...

WINNER! HOT and it was the AC unit. :)

Mimi and Papa said...

Hey. I didn't get a chance to answer because I am stuck in interviews in Baltimore. Just checking blogs at lunch cute picture miss u.