Friday, August 5, 2011

Happy Birthday, Grace!

This past weekend we celebrated Grace's 1st birthday with her proud parents, Stacy and Kevin! They threw a great party with good food and fun! Lucy loved playing with all of Grace's new toys and watching her down a cupcake.

Here is the beautiful birthday girl!
Grace's Birthday and Mimi-Papa_110731_0044
Happy 1st Birthday to you!

The birthday party was a blast!
Grace's Birthday and Mimi-Papa_110731_0117
Grace's Birthday and Mimi-Papa_110731_0116

The adorable and delicious ladybug cake!
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Grace was ALL ABOUT the cake and cupcakes!
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Grace's Birthday and Mimi-Papa_110731_0111

And Lucy was ALL ABOUT playing with Grace's new toys...
Grace's Birthday and Mimi-Papa_110731_0026

Yes, they were under the weight limit! HA!
Grace's Birthday and Mimi-Papa_110731_0022

Grace's Birthday and Mimi-Papa_110731_0052
Lucy has started a new baby doll obession and I'm loving it. She holds them, rocks them, lays them down and covers them with blankets...

On Grace's real birthday we met at the Perrysburg Pool for a playdate and then went to lunch. You will not see any pictures in the pool because I was chasing a dare-devil who would run into the zero-entry pool all the way up to her chin and laugh and laugh and laugh. She also went under about 5 times and would stand right back up and smile at me with pride! We are in for it.

After the pool fun, the girls were ready for a snack. They sat together on the lounge chair and enjoyed some goldfish...
Grace's Birthday and Mimi-Papa_110801_0145
Grace's Birthday and Mimi-Papa_110801_0142

Then we went to Zingo's downtown Perrysburg for lunch! YUM!
Grace's Birthday and Mimi-Papa_110801_0159
Grace's Birthday and Mimi-Papa_110801_0001-1
Happy Birthday, Gracie! We love you so much!


Mimi and Papa said...

Cousins, cousins, everywhere.. What a blessing. Happy Birthday to Grace... We may be in-laws, but I feel connected.... so she must be my granddaughter from another mother...or whatever. haha

Jenny and Jon said...

Man, I wish Jackson and Lucy were closer in age, seems they are kindred spirits with their dare devil ways and quick moves...I SWEAR on my life your next one will be easier!!! This is God's way of testing us:)

I love the party pics, happy 1st b-day to Grace!!!Time goes so fast, seems like she was just born!!