Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day Weekend!

We enjoyed spending Labor Day weekend with the Ehrmin's. Rainy weather changed our plans to attend the fun BBQ, Bluegrass, and Boom at Dawes on Sunday but we still had a great weekend. Monday we were in German Village checking out Megan and Tim's new apartment and went to Shiller Park. (The same park where Lucy had her 6 month photos taken.) Lucy and Grace loved playing on the cool, fall day!

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Oh, and by the way....someone is officially a toddler. Seriously, who is this big girl? :(

Who can go down the slide all on her own!
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She would climb up the stairs, walk to the top of the slide, sit down and scoot to the top of the slide...
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And she would find Daddy waiting at the bottom each time!
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Grandma and Grandpa even let her try the BIG slide!
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She thought she was pretty cool stuff.
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"I'm so cool....watch this......."
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Yes, my heart dropped when she decided she would stand up, count to three, and jump off.

She quickly would look around to see who saw how sweet her new trick was...
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The girls both got fun rides down the slides too....this was the "swing slide!"
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Lucy and Grandma!
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"Thank you to everyone for the fun day at the park! I hope we can go again soon" Love, Lucy
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Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

I could smooch that big white belly! Lucy has such cool grandparents! And she defines trouble...wow! ;)

Jenny and Jon said...

I love that last photo of her, how DID you do that?? Do I need photoshop for that??

p.s. I really am starting to think Lucy and Jackson are kindred spirits..her "tricks" look all too familiar to me!! Get ready to RUN after this little one as she embraces toddler-hood!!

Mimi and Papa said...

The mid air photo says it all. Go Lucy Go!!!!!

Frances said...

I use Lightroom because photoshop is too complicated for me. I have downloaded "presets" and they are very helpful in getting cool effects. And yes...we are in trouble!