Monday, July 25, 2011

Pre-Wedding Events!

This past Saturday, July 23, 2011 Megan and Tim got married! We were in Perrysburg for a few days preparing for the big event.

I enjoyed a spa day and lunch with the bridesmaids.
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Lavi, Megan's college roommate who is from Rome, Italy!
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Megan also enjoyed the time to be pampered and relax!
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And a fun, wild bachelorette party that evening! (I don't think I've been up that late in years!!!)
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Good food and drinks..
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Then Friday evening was Rehearsal at Zoar and dinner to follow at The Original Tony Packo's!
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Megan got us ADORABLE, monogramed purses!
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And the guys got Chris Speilman autographed OSU footballs!
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It was a fun evening preparing for the BIG DAY! (post to come soon of the WEDDING)


Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Couldn't wait to see your pictures! What a beautiful bride! Your new yellow patterned clutch is darling...great for travel with makeup or jewelry.

Jenny and Jon said...

come on with that post...can't wait to see the beautiful bride:)