Friday, July 15, 2011

Lucy at 17 months!

Here is our little Miss Lucy at 17 and 1/2 Months Old!

17 months old_110713_0004

She enjoys reading the Columbus Monthly and taking notes! (HA!)
17 months old_110713_0005

I enjoy when she reads too, because it means she will sit still for a few minutes so I can take a few pictures of her!
17 months old_110713_0006

So I can capture those BABY BLUES...
17 months old_110713_0008

17 months old_110713_0017

*Pictures taken by MOMMY! I have been practicing :)

Lucy you are quite the active toddler now but I had to capture these moment as you sat so content on our bed, in just a little onesie. You looked like the little baby, who once loved to sit on our bed and play!
17 months old_110713_0010

Now you are...."SO BIG!"
17 months old_110713_0018


Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Beautiful. Blue. Bouncing. Baby. You are Blessed. :)

Mimi and Papa said...

I cannot believe how blue thoses eyes are...and how beautiful Lucy looks surrounded in pale blue. Great shots Frances!