Tuesday, July 5, 2011

New Header!

I created a new header with pictures from July 4th weekend! Lucy was just too cute in her tu-tu swimsuit....I couldnt resist.


Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

"I'm loving it" -sung to the McD's tune :)

Melanie said...

SOOOOOO CUTE. Please tell me how to make my blog cute. How do you edit it? I attempted to make it cuter and only ended up screwing it all up and now it keeps getting uglier every time I try something.

Mimi and Papa said...

Yay for the new header...so cracks me up...nothing cuter than a baby. See you soon. xo

Frances said...

I click "design" in the top right corner. Then I use the pre-made templates. I always have to adjust the widths so that the main posts are the largest portions. Then google "Clover Lane Make New Header" and you will see how I use Picasa to make a header!

Miss you and thinking of you and baby :)