Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Megan and Tim Wedding!

Saturday morning we all met at the salon to get our hair done.
Then I rushed to the Brzozka's so I could quickly see Melanie (and her bump) at her Baby Shower! Unfortunately, I couldn't stay long because we were off to the church to get ready!

We camped out in the Kingergarten Sunday School room at Zoar!
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John saved the day with Subway since no one had eaten lunch!
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Megan's beautiful dress...
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And gorgeous bridal hair...
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Then the flowers arrived!
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M and T Wedding_110723_0103

[And I'll be honest now...that is when my camera was put in the car. Unfortunately, being in the wedding party, with a baby who is the flower girl, limited my ability to have my camera all evening. BUMMER! But I did steal some pictures from others to share!]

Megan was the MOST BEAUTIFUL BRIDE! [Again, I apologize for the small, limited, or dark photos...they're not mine!]

[Julia, can you save me and post some pictures from the wedding you got with your little camera!?! Did you get a picture of Lucy in her flower girl dress?]

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