"Daddy, Mom wants me to wear this big thing!"
"Ok, let's try to put this on!"
...and they were off!
"Look at this place!"
"Do NOT put me in a swing....but I love to push them."
Daddy was a trooper and offered to take her down the big slide.
Here they go...
'WEEEEEEEEEEE..." Lucy loved it!
Daddy's shorts were totally ruined by the black tar on the slide. But well worth the fun, right Denny? HAHA! (I've tried to spot clean them and I'll have to admit it is NOT coming out. Oops!)
Daddy and his girl!
What a fun afternoon at the park!
Totally worth ruining a new pair of shorts, right? :)
1 comment:
Cute pics. Wasn't it a roaster this weekend? Glad you still had some outdoor fun!
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