Friday, July 29, 2011


I signed Lucy up for our local Gymboree Play & Music center this summer. She has LOVED playing there, playing musical instruments, and meeting new friends.

The class this week started with a dance with scarves...
When the music would stop, everyone was suppose to freeze, and Lucy would close her eyes. It cracked me up. And I got it on film!

Another favorite of the class is "clean up, clean up..." time!
And Miss Caitlyn the energetic, adorable teacher!

Lucy also likes the "tap, tap, tap" dance. This week she followed the whole song, staring at Miss Caitlyn...ha!

Then comes parachute and bubble time. We walk the parachute around in a circle and sing a song while Miss Caitlyn blows special bubbles for each baby. Look at all those cute babies!

Each class also includes free play. The center is full of fun tunnels, swings, bouncy mats, slides, etc! It is heaven to an 18 month old!
Lucy is following her friend, Lucy here! (Yes, they have the same name. We met in breastfeeding group last spring.)

Loving on her friend, Lucy!
Lucy has started to hug this week. Not sure the other Lucy liked it on her head though....oops!

And I'll end with a funny picture of Lucy taking a sink bath at Mimi and Papa's! She loves sink baths so much!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

More Pictures!

Julia, Thanks for sharing more pictures with me!

[Not sure what I'm concerned about here...)

Melanie's Baby Shower!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Megan and Tim Wedding!

Saturday morning we all met at the salon to get our hair done.
Then I rushed to the Brzozka's so I could quickly see Melanie (and her bump) at her Baby Shower! Unfortunately, I couldn't stay long because we were off to the church to get ready!

We camped out in the Kingergarten Sunday School room at Zoar!
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John saved the day with Subway since no one had eaten lunch!
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Megan's beautiful dress...
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And gorgeous bridal hair...
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Then the flowers arrived!
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[And I'll be honest now...that is when my camera was put in the car. Unfortunately, being in the wedding party, with a baby who is the flower girl, limited my ability to have my camera all evening. BUMMER! But I did steal some pictures from others to share!]

Megan was the MOST BEAUTIFUL BRIDE! [Again, I apologize for the small, limited, or dark photos...they're not mine!]

[Julia, can you save me and post some pictures from the wedding you got with your little camera!?! Did you get a picture of Lucy in her flower girl dress?]

Monday, July 25, 2011

Pre-Wedding Events!

This past Saturday, July 23, 2011 Megan and Tim got married! We were in Perrysburg for a few days preparing for the big event.

I enjoyed a spa day and lunch with the bridesmaids.
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Lavi, Megan's college roommate who is from Rome, Italy!
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Megan also enjoyed the time to be pampered and relax!
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And a fun, wild bachelorette party that evening! (I don't think I've been up that late in years!!!)
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Good food and drinks..
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Then Friday evening was Rehearsal at Zoar and dinner to follow at The Original Tony Packo's!
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Megan got us ADORABLE, monogramed purses!
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And the guys got Chris Speilman autographed OSU footballs!
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It was a fun evening preparing for the BIG DAY! (post to come soon of the WEDDING)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Summer Fun!

Lucy and I are really in the swing of things and enjoying our summer together. It took a week or two to get accustumed to a whole new schedule, but quickly fell in love with it. I did know one thing, I didn't want the summer to pass by without doing lots of special fun activities and get things done around the house!

So I created this:
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It includes PROJECTS around the house, CLEANING SCHEDULE, and TO GO fun activities! We've gotten a lot done and have a lot still to do! Being July 19th already, we better get going!

One of our favorite fun activities was meeting Megan and Aubrey at the park. Lucy has missed them this summer and they connected in seconds; a.k.a. Lucy grabbed Megan finger and pulled her around the playground!

This playground even had an amazing, shaded sandbox.

Lucy liked taking turns and watching others scoop into her bucket.

And most shocking of all, she LIKED the swing!
(Notice Aubrey checking Lucy's face to see if she was upset...)

"Mom, I think Lucy likes it this time!" Aubrey was so cute!
She is the sweetest 4 year old I could hope for my daughter to play with!

What a fun day we had with the Crumley's! I know Lucy will enjoy another school year with them but I am NOT READY FOR SUMMER TO BE OVER!

Another fun activty was a trip to the Gahanna neighborhood pool! Lucy loved the baby pool and the freedom to run around in it with Daddy.
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Notice her wet hair! She will fall in the water, almost head under, stand right back up and laugh. Wow - she is a brave girl!
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We ended the afternoon with snack time in the shade.
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We had fun at the pool with you Lulu!
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