As you lay next to me napping, I pray...
I never forget the way you point your finger when you are tired.
I never forget your sweet, baby breath.
I never forget the first time I saw your tooth at Dawes.
I never forget the cheesy, head titled back, big-ol' smile you love to give me.
I never forget the dimples on your hand.
I never forget the rolls on your arms and legs.
I never forget the way you look into my eyes when you nurse.
I never forget the first time you said, "ba-ba-ba-ba-ba."
I never forget your perfect, pink lips.
I never forget your teeny, tiny ears.
I never forget your beautiful blue eyes.
I never forget the nights you slept on my chest all night long as a newborn.
I never forget the way you play with my "Lucy" necklace.
I never forget the way you smile at your Dad when he gets home from work.
I never forget the first time you rolled over.
I never forget each, and every moment I am blessed to spend with you.
I love you so much Lucy and I feel so lucky to watch you explore the world around you.
How To Propagate Succulents
2 weeks ago