Thursday, September 30, 2010

Let Me Never Forget...

As you lay next to me napping, I pray...

I never forget the way you point your finger when you are tired.
I never forget your sweet, baby breath.
I never forget the first time I saw your tooth at Dawes.
I never forget the cheesy, head titled back, big-ol' smile you love to give me.
I never forget the dimples on your hand.
I never forget the rolls on your arms and legs.
I never forget the way you look into my eyes when you nurse.
I never forget the first time you said, "ba-ba-ba-ba-ba."
I never forget your perfect, pink lips.
I never forget your teeny, tiny ears.
I never forget your beautiful blue eyes.
I never forget the nights you slept on my chest all night long as a newborn.
I never forget the way you play with my "Lucy" necklace.
I never forget the way you smile at your Dad when he gets home from work.
I never forget the first time you rolled over.
I never forget each, and every moment I am blessed to spend with you.

I love you so much Lucy and I feel so lucky to watch you explore the world around you.

Monday, September 27, 2010


Well it is almost October and we are starting to get into the swing of things! Lucy is doing just wonderful at Little Village Academy and I'm starting to get a hang of this working Mom thing, too! (not that it is any easier than the first day returning to work - and Mondays often seem to be the worse and I just miss Lucy sooo much!)

Lucy is also started to sleep better! Can I get an, AMEN! :) AMEN!

Here's our weekly schedule:

6:30am - Lucy stirs in bed and begins to "talk." Denny brings Lucy to our bed and I nurse/cuddle with her!
6:45 - Denny showers
7:00 - I shower (Lucy plays in our room while Denny gets ready)
7:15 - Denny and Lucy play downstairs while he makes coffee/breakfast/etc
7:20 - I play with Lucy/have breakfast/pack school bags and diaper bag
7:30 - We leave for Granville and Denny leaves for downtown
8:00 - drop Lucy off at Little Village (I normally stay for 10 minutes or so to play!)
8:15 - arrive at school
3:45pm - leave school to pick up Lucy!
4:30 - arrive at home and PLAY/make dinner and nurse Lucy
5:30-6:00pm - Denny arrives home to a happy, smiling baby!
6:00 - We have dinner and L eats too!
7:00 - Denny gives L a bath
7:15 - lotion, pjs, book and I nurse Lucy to sleep in the rocking chair
7:30pm - lay Lucy in her crib with her favorite muslin blanket
7:30 - clean up from dinner, wash bottles, make bottles for tomorrow, clean breast pump parts, pack lunches, etc, etc
8:30 - relax a bit with Denny! (tv, blog, e-mail, etc)
9:30 - bed/tv...we are normally asleep by 10:00

*Lucy finally sleeps through the WHOLE night without any feedings! She usually stirs and fusses 1 time during the night but within minutes puts herself right back to sleep!

And this is our current schedule with our active, busy, and very mobile almost 8-month-old! :)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Harrison Rally Days!

This past weekend we were in Perrysburg for Stacy and Ellie's birthday celebration! In addition to a wonderful dinner out with the Warren's and Ehrmin's and a super 3rd birthday party for Ellie, we also went to Harrison Rally Days Saturday morning.

The day started out cool and we all enjoyed wearing sweaters and pants. Although, it quickly warmed up and by noon it was sunny and warm!

Lucy napped on the car ride and then stroller ride to uptown....

...but she quickly perked up and was ready to watch her FIRST parade!

I loved seeing her watch all the excitement!

Mimi and Papa also joined us for the fun!

If you didn't know, Lucy is quite the "Papa's girl!" Just like her Mommy was as a young girl!

Ellie LOVED the parade and brings so much joy to every situation!

Here she is modeling with "Miss Buckeye 2010" trading card!
*Please note the HIP POP! LOVE IT! Do we have a future Miss Buckeye State on our hands? :)

Anneliese also loved watching all the firetrucks, cars, and people march by.

Best of all, cousin love!

Ellie just can't get enough of her cousin!

How could I forget? The Way Public Library librarians put on quite a show. They had music and a choreographed dance!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Little Shopping Trip!

This evening we ran over to Easton to do a little Fall clothing shopping for Lucy! I wanted to get a few new items to update her closet. I also was looking for something special for Lucy to wear to her first PICTURE DAY at school!

We found some adorable ruffle cardigans, skinny jeans (ha!), pants, Halloween shirts, pjs, clearance summer clothes for next year, and a few long-sleeve onesies!

Here are some of my fav purchases:
*She will have more style than her Mommy!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Happy Birthday, Ellie!

Happy 3rd Birthday to the pretty, pretty princess....ELISABETH!

We love you so much and are so glad we were able to celebrate with you!

You are the most curious, loving, kind, sensitive, caring, silly, creative, brown-eyed 3 year-old I know! And we love EVERYTHING about you!

P.S. Your cousin Lucy thinks you are the cats pajamas! :)

BBQ, Bluegrass, and BOOM!

Dawes Arboretum hosted a special event over Labor Day weekend! Megan works at Dawes, a beautiful park-like setting, which is located a bit east of Granville. This is the 3rd year we've gone to their BBQ, Bluegrass, and Boom event. This year it was even more fun with two babies!

Gracie slept peacefully most of the evening!

But was also alert, showing off her bright blues!

Not Lucy...she was an active, wild, happy baby!


There was also A LOT of hand chewing...
...and more...

...and for a reason! Minutes later Mrs. Laine discovered Lucy first tooth peeking out of her gums!

"Lucy, show us your tooth!"

Lucy had fun showing off for Mrs. Laine!

Laura and Canon also joined us for the fun!

I'll never forget our time at Dawes over Labor Day! Lucy got her first tooth that day!

And also enjoyed her first fireworks!
She woke up minutes before the firework show and loved watching the bright lights snuggled in my arms!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Meeting Melanie!

Lucy has been looking forward to meeting Melanie for months! We met at Starbucks early on a Sunday morning for the big event. Lucy charmed Melanie with her smile and also a few of her famous "shrieks!" (If you haven't had a chance to hear it, let me tell you that Lucy now has found her voice! HA! She shrieks a HIGH pitched scream and then smiles in delight! While we think it is pretty cute we try not to laugh and encourage her!)

It was so nice to see Melanie! She lives in LA and we miss her A LOT!

xoxoxo to Mel and Zack!

Monday, September 13, 2010

New Video Player!

(I've been looking for a better video player. And I think I found one!)

Here is a video from this summer. Watching Lucy in this video just amazes me....she has changed so much in 3 short months! Enjoy a flashback to the good times at North Lake in June 2010!

Untitled from Frances Ehrmin on Vimeo.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Last Weekend!

Last weekend we were in Perrysburg for Labor Day weekend and Kevin's brother, Michael Warren's wedding. We had a lot of fun at the wedding in Delta with the Ehrmin gang!

Lucy partied all night long!

Danced with Aunt Megan!

Played with Grandpa and Grandma!

Found a new favorite toy....A BELL!

Denny and Emily & Stacy and Kevin had lots of fun too!

Gracie was a trooper too and slept most of the evening in Grandma's arms!

Towards the end of the night Lucy started to get tired and was such a cuddle bug...
(which I loved every minute of)

...minutes later she gave in!

We all had lots of fun and Lucy sure enjoyed her first wedding :)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Crib Trials...Part 2!

Here is our little Lucy Josephine sleeping peacefully in her crib earlier this week. I just love these striped long john pj's and the way she sleeps on her side. To die for! So I couldn't resist sneaking a picture of her sleeping! :)

This peacefully sleeping baby is also a very active baby and we discovered this FIRST HAND last night! Denny was laying her in the crib after I had nursed her. She proceeded to sit up, scoot over the the side of the crib, grab the bars and pull herself UP TO STANDING POSITION! AHHHHH!!! Denny quickly called for me and together we laughed with Lucy as she proudly smiled at her new skill! Unfortunately, this meant we needed to lower the mattress right then and there before she could fall out. So we got out the toolbox and about 30 minutes later (after lots of tools, a fussy baby who was overly tired, and reading and re-reading the manual) we had her mattress back in the crib at the big baby level! Goodbye infant crib and hello big baby crib! Oh Lucy - you are changing so much. Please slow down! :)

In other news, last Thursday was Lucy's first Ohio State football game. Denny had her decked out in OSU gear for the day and I snapped a few pictures before we all went to work.



And check this out! My students arrived to school dressed head to toe in scarlet and grey! Without any prompting on my part I have to say. Laura and I, who co-teach our classes this year, gathered all of the students who were in OSU gear for a picture! Too cute!

*Note my outfit! I wasn't as prepared as my students. Hopefully I'll do better next game :)
***Did anyone notice the student in the bottom right wearing a flag as a cape?!? Yes, he thought this was "school appropriate!" HAHA!

Monday, September 6, 2010

7 Months Old!

Lucy turned 7 months old today! We celebrated with her all day as we enjoyed a day off from work due to Labor Day! It was a very eventful day for Lucy as she reached many milestones all in ONE DAY!

For the record, Lucy now:
-has her FIRST TOOTH peeking through on the bottom
-can crawl forward
-can pull herself to stand up all on her own!

Surprisingly, these milestones all occurred today! We couldn't be happier for our growing, changing little girl. She is the happiest baby and loves her new freedoms.

Taking her crib pictures is now quite an adventure as we have a very active participant :)
"What? You didn't want me to crawl forward and stick my tongue out?"

"How about my serious face?"

"Or just my tongue?"

"How about I hold the sign for you?!"

"Are you still trying to take pictures of me?"

Mommy and Daddy love you so much and you are the joy of our lives. Each day brings new fun and we are loving every stage as they come! It is hard to believe you are already a 7 month old, active, happy, alert baby. Seeing your cousin Gracie this weekend reminded me of your newborn days. I miss my small, teeny Lucy but luckily you still love to cuddle and be held just like a newborn, especially when you are nursing. We are so happy that you are learning to crawl and enjoying your surroundings so much. Now we think it is time to SLOW DOWN so we can enjoy this stage for awhile. Although, we have a feeling you have many more changes in store for us. We love you LJE!