Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Happy 18th Birthday, Jay!

This Saturday we celebrated Jay's 18th at a Toledo Walleye Game! We all had a blast - yet, it is hard to believe "baby" Jay is already 18!

Here are a few pictures from Jay's Birthday weekend! Ellie spent the night with Mimi, Papa, and Frances....we gave her a bath in the kitchen sink! She loved it!
PhotobucketJay loving Baby Lucy!

Enjoy a few pictures from the evening!

Homemade birthday cake Mom and I made for Jay!

Even Grams was part of the fun!

1 comment:

Canon and Laura said...

Its only been 2 weeks since I've seen you, and Lucy has grown sooo much!! Can't wait to see her on Thursday! and you and Den, too.

Happy Anniversary :)