Monday, December 7, 2009

31 week belly pics...

I just realized that I haven't posted belly pics in a long time! So I quickly posed in front of our new webcam to give you all a little peak at Miss Lucy! Wow, she sure is growing! Last week at my OBGYN appointment I measured 30 centimeters!

I cannot believe that I am already 31 weeks along. Lucy now weighs over 3 pounds and is about 18 inches long! She is moving ALL DAY LONG and her newest trick is to hide under my ribs - this is not such a lovely feeling! But every little movement she makes puts a smile on my face. I love feeling her kick and stretch. Tomorrow after work is my first prenatal massage! Denny surprised me with it last week when we were out to dinner :)


Mimi and Papa said...

Oh what a beautiful belly! Enjoy these last weeks because this is easy...and then when the baby is really here, that's it for the rest of your life. Though you will be busy,you will never regret having babies. love, Mimi

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Thanks for the pictures! When I first saw the pink Miami shirt in the second picture, I nearly gasped...but then I saw your real bump and it's much smaller than predicted. You don't have me beat! ;)

Jenny and Jon said...

You have officially "popped" start to watch now for your belly button to flip out (like on a turkey)...mine never did though but it got close! Nine weeks to go, the count down is ON!

Melanie said...

OH my goodness!!!!! I just love your belly and baby Lucy!!!!!!!!! I can't wait. It's so hard to believe only 9 weeks left. Miss you .