Sunday, December 13, 2009

32 weeks!

Wow, I just looked at the countdown of days left and noticed we're in the 50s. I just entered the 8th month of pregnancy in the 3rd trimester. I cannot believe we have only around 50 days until we meet Miss Lucy! I'm so excited to see her little face....and see what she looks like!

She is definitely getting bigger! She is frequently "resting" under my ribs and now when she moves I can feel her movement throughout my entire belly. Denny was able to feel her foot/hand as she pushed against my right side this week. She is a strong and active baby! I can now see her movement outside my shirt when I'm sitting at my desk at work.

Lucy now weighs around 4 pounds and her little head has a diameter of 4 inches. Her toenails and fingernails are completely formed. Her organs are all functioning, with the exception of the lungs. It will be a few more weeks until they are fully developed. Her five senses of sight, touch, hearing, taste, and smell are now well developed, and she is practicing using these right now. Many studies say a baby can recognize her mother's voice at 20 weeks.

*This weekend we took our Christmas card picture in downtown Gahanna. Denny also took a few pictures of me (and Lucy!) I'll post a few for you to see how big she is getting!


Jenny and Jon said...

we want to see the pics, and yes the countdown is on! I can remember the excitement and a bit of anxiety regarding the delivery that was ahead of me starting to creep have the distractions of Christmas now but after that it will be all Lucy all the time on your mind which is good, take time together to really enjoy this time and to think about what is to is so exciting!

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Looking forward to the pictures...

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Still looking forward to the pictures...(I'm impatient...)