Monday, November 30, 2009

and her full name will be....

Lucy Josephine Ehrmin
Her middle name is in honor of her great-grandmother, Josephine Emily Mutchler who passed away in October. We are eager for Lucy to carry on this beautiful name!

Her initials are LJE.
Her monogram is LEJ.

*Look for an update soon on the progress in the nursery. We weren't crazy about Pink Cadillac or Sweet Taffy so we are headed back to the paint store. But her clothes are all washed and sorted and her closet is almost finished :)

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Mini Pies!


Well I must be nesting because on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving I spend the entire day baking mini pumpkin, apple, and cherry pies. I used mini-muffin tins to shape each little pie. I'll admit it took a LONG time to finish all 60 pies but it was well worth it! They were delicious! Here a few pics of the pie making process. I originally got the idea from one of my favorite blogs. Check it out @!

Now the apple pies...

I didn't even know Denny took this picture! This was late in the evening when I was finished with the pies and quickly making some homemade whipped cream for the pumpkin pie!

Here is the proud baker (and Lucy!) standing by her little pies on Thanksgiving :)

OSU vs. Michigan!!!

This post is long overdue! Last weekend we traveled to Ann Arbor for the BIG GAME! Papa drove Jay, Callie, Denny, and I to meet with the Peshke's bright and early Saturday morning. They had saved us a great parking spot on the UM golf course where we spent the early afternoon with them. Tailgating with the Peshke's is always a blast!

Of course there were lots of jokes being tossed around about Denny and I being OSU fans(and Denny's BRIGHT red outfit) :)

Then Jay, Callie, Denny, and I went to the game at noon. Poor Papa didn't have a ticket (although he didn't really mind) so he went to a local pub to watch the game! It was a BEAUTIFUL mild November afternoon and we had so much fun. I funny thing happened when Denny and I were trying to find our seats...when we finally made it all the way to our seats in row 89 the older couple next to us ask if we could switch seats with them. They wanted to sit next to their daughter in row 89. We said that wouldn't be a problem and they handed us their tickets. Wow did we luck out! Their seats were in the same section but row 32!!! We had an amazing view of the game! What a fun day! It is hard to imagine that next year little Lucy will be with us to cheer on the Bucks during the big game :) We can't wait! OSU has now beat Michigan 6 years in a row!!!
Papa, thanks for driving us!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

29 weeks....less than 80 days to go!

I can't believe it but we've made it to the 29th week!!! Lucy now weighs over 2.5 pounds and is over 15 inches from head to foot. She continues to move ALL DAY LONG, but mostly when I am laying down or sitting still. I've read this will slow down as she "runs out of room" but I have only noticed an increase in movement at this point. I know I will miss feeling her large movements that now can be seen from outside my belly - they are so strong that she can jolt the laptop or book on my lap with her kick. HAHA :)

We've had an unpredictable fall which required us to travel to Perrysburg many weekends throughout October and November. With Thanksgiving coming this week we will be traveling to P-Burg again to spend the holiday with family! But our hope is to spend our weekends in December working on Lucy's nursery. We need to paint the walls, organize the closet, sort through her clothes, hang pictures/shelves on the walls, and arrange all the furniture in its spot. We have lots to do to get her room ready and we're eager to have an opportunity to get some work done :)

When Mom, Papa, and Jay were in town the other weekend we picked out Lucy's bedding! Lucy's nursery bedding is a gift from Aunt Jenny, Aunt Julia, and Mimi! (Lucy says "Thank you!")

Now we're working on paint colors...
I like Pink Cadillac

and Sweet Taffy!

We're going to go to Sherwin Williams and get samples to try in the nursery!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Baby Shower!

This past weekend Laura threw me the most wonderful Baby Shower! She had her entire house decorated in PINK...from the onesies hanging in the windows, to the table decorations, to pink centerpieces. Laura did not miss one detail! She also made all the food, including homemade apple pies! Yum!

It was lots of fun and I received many beautiful gifts for Lucy! Gifts included: stroller/car seat combo (Thanks Dee, Stacy, Megan, and Emily), onesies galore!, baskets and liners, nightlight, books, adorable outfits, blankets, diapers/wipes, diaper champ, bassinet, bath products, towels and washcloths, Bumbo seat, boppy, and much much more! Three teachers that I work with also crafted me the most beautiful Diaper Cake!

Laura is measuring my belly for one of the games! Most everyone cut their string WAY too big :)

We feel very lucky to have received such generous gifts! My mom also cleaned out the closets in our guest bedrooms so we have an entire closet ready for Lucy's things. Thanks Mom...I'm impressed with your energy! Now it is time to get the nursery painted so I can put it all away...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

RIP Grandpa Mutchler

On Friday, November 6th, Edwin Mutchler, 91 years of age, passed away peacefully at Hospice of Northwest Ohio. He had a stroke just a short two weeks earlier and his body grew tired. We were not ready for him to go but he had plans to join his wife again. What a true love story their life showed us! The funeral today at Zoar was just perfect. Denny did a wonderful job speaking about both of his grandparents and I am really proud of him, as I know his Grandma and Grandpa would be too. We will miss you Grandpa!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

27 weeks!!!

Today I am 27 weeks pregnant....I can't believe how fast the time has gone! Lucy weighs around 2 pounds and is soooo active. Everyday I feel her moving and kicking! Denny can feel her every evening in bed, as she is most active when I am laying down. (Is this a sign for our future? LOL) I just adore when I feel her move especially when I am teaching and I'll feel her adjust herself in my belly. It is an indescribable feeling :)

This weekend I spent an absolutely beautiful November day with Mimi, Julia, and Ellie around the Hamlet. E rode her big girl bike to the pond and we looked for "fish" and "frogs." Ellie came to the conclusion that they were "all sleeping" because we couldn't find any!

Julia also took some pictures of my growing belly. Life has been a bit more hectic than normal and I am very grateful that she took some pictures of growing Lucy because I haven't had a chance lately! ENJOY!
Don't worry E - I'll never be "too" pregnant to jump with you :) HAHA!
I love you Ellie!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Halloween Fun!

Here are pictures from my classroom's party last Friday! The parents planned cookie decorating, pumpkin painting, healthy snacks, bingo, and much much more! The children absolutely LOVED the day!

Then all of the students put on their costumes for the parade around Granville! It was a gorgeous sunny day in the mid 70s!

I'll start with the boy costumes....the "Zombie" was most popular this year. One boy said, "I bought the scariest costume my mom would let me buy!"

Now here are some of the girl costumes!

Mrs. Krebehenne and Mrs. Ehrmin

Can you guess what the following costumes are supposed to be?
"I'm AIR!"

"I'm a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader!" (I wanted to ask if her mother let her out of the house in that...I mean seriously she is only a 1st grader!)

And last, but not least....Lucy was a PUMPKIN!!!