Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happy 3rd Anniversary!

Denny and I just celebrated our 3rd Anniversary! It is hard to believe it has been 3 years since our wedding. It seems just like yesterday we were dancing to Michael Buble at Carranor :)

Pictures from our wedding 12/29/2006:

Happy Anniversary, Denny! What an exciting year 2010 will be for us!Photobucket

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Happy 18th Birthday, Jay!

This Saturday we celebrated Jay's 18th at a Toledo Walleye Game! We all had a blast - yet, it is hard to believe "baby" Jay is already 18!

Here are a few pictures from Jay's Birthday weekend! Ellie spent the night with Mimi, Papa, and Frances....we gave her a bath in the kitchen sink! She loved it!
PhotobucketJay loving Baby Lucy!

Enjoy a few pictures from the evening!

Homemade birthday cake Mom and I made for Jay!

Even Grams was part of the fun!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Ann Arbor shopping trip...

On Sunday afternoon Julia and I drove to Ann Arbor to shop two of their cute little baby boutiques. We had lots of fun and found hundreds of things we wanted to buy! I am now the proud owner of:

---a Sakura Bloom silk baby sling (I can carry Lucy in this from newborn to 35 lbs!)

I think we need to go back so Julia can get one, what do you think?

I picked the "Licorice and Slate" color because it is gender neutral.

Look, even Denny can carry her in it :)

and a Sage Creek Orangic crib sheet (the softest sheet I have ever felt!)

Friday, December 18, 2009

Let Christmas break begin!

I am ready for a wonderful, relaxing Christmas break. Denny and I are going to Perrysburg Saturday AM to celebrate Jay's 18th birthday. I will then stay in town to help Mom prepare for the holidays. I am sure our days will be full of baking, decorating, wrapping, and maybe even a little shopping :) Then Denny will be arriving Wednesday afternoon for Christmas. We are excited for the holidays to begin!

Here is a look at our Christmas card photo shoot downtown Gahanna...


Little Lucy sure is growing :)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Hannah and James' wedding!

*Oops, I just realized I didn't post pictures from their wedding.

On Friday, November 27th Hannah and James were married. The wedding was at St. Patrick's of Heatherdowns and the reception was at the Pinnacle! It was a beautiful wedding and a lovely reception. Hannah was a BEAUTIFUL bride :)


32 weeks!

Wow, I just looked at the countdown of days left and noticed we're in the 50s. I just entered the 8th month of pregnancy in the 3rd trimester. I cannot believe we have only around 50 days until we meet Miss Lucy! I'm so excited to see her little face....and see what she looks like!

She is definitely getting bigger! She is frequently "resting" under my ribs and now when she moves I can feel her movement throughout my entire belly. Denny was able to feel her foot/hand as she pushed against my right side this week. She is a strong and active baby! I can now see her movement outside my shirt when I'm sitting at my desk at work.

Lucy now weighs around 4 pounds and her little head has a diameter of 4 inches. Her toenails and fingernails are completely formed. Her organs are all functioning, with the exception of the lungs. It will be a few more weeks until they are fully developed. Her five senses of sight, touch, hearing, taste, and smell are now well developed, and she is practicing using these right now. Many studies say a baby can recognize her mother's voice at 20 weeks.

*This weekend we took our Christmas card picture in downtown Gahanna. Denny also took a few pictures of me (and Lucy!) I'll post a few for you to see how big she is getting!

Monday, December 7, 2009

31 week belly pics...

I just realized that I haven't posted belly pics in a long time! So I quickly posed in front of our new webcam to give you all a little peak at Miss Lucy! Wow, she sure is growing! Last week at my OBGYN appointment I measured 30 centimeters!

I cannot believe that I am already 31 weeks along. Lucy now weighs over 3 pounds and is about 18 inches long! She is moving ALL DAY LONG and her newest trick is to hide under my ribs - this is not such a lovely feeling! But every little movement she makes puts a smile on my face. I love feeling her kick and stretch. Tomorrow after work is my first prenatal massage! Denny surprised me with it last week when we were out to dinner :)

Sunday, December 6, 2009

One eventful weekend!

This weekend we got lots of things accomplished for the arrival of baby Lucy! Her nursery is painted, all her gifts are put away, her closet is organized, and her parents attended their "Labor and Birth" class!

All day on Saturday Denny and Gary painted her nursery PINK :) They did a great job and the room looks wonderful! They also installed a wall sconce by the door. There is no overhead light in the room so we thought it would be nice to have a sconce, right by the door, for some additional light.

While they were painting Megan, Dee, and I went shopping :) I bought a changing pad and cover because I wanted to properly secure it to the changing table! Dee bought us a cute pink hamper to keep in her nursery for all her "dirty" clothes. I'm sure that our once a week laundry days are soon to be over! We had a blast shopping and we had to resist buying everything baby that we saw. There were several times I was tempted to buy her another pair of shoes but I had to remind myself that she has a whole basket already full in her closet!

On Sunday, we went to the "Labor and Birth" class at St. Ann's hospital from 9:00 to 1:00. This class was lead by the nurse from my OBGYN office. We learned a lot and we were glad to finish this course in one day as opposed one evening over several weeks. I think there were only 1 or 2 moments when Denny grimaced at the picture or information he was hearing...hahaha!

Also, Santa came a little early to our house! We got an iMac which will be great to store, edit, and share photos and videos of Lucy! It even has a built in webcam! Now Gary and Dee and Mom and Papa need to get themselves a webcam for their computers :) Oh yeah.....and we need to learn how to use a Mac...some things are much, much different than a PC. Luckily, we will both have some time over the next few weeks because I have winter break and Denny's last class is this Tuesday until he starts back in January!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


We are feeling very thankful tonight as my mom recovers at Toledo Hospital from her hip replacement surgery. The surgery went well this morning and she is in the recovery room now! Thank you for all your prayers. Now we need to continue to pray for her as she undergoes PT and the entire recovery process.

I wish I could be there to help her now! But I am looking forward to December 18 when we go to Perrysburg to celebrate Jay's big 18th birthday and I'll stay home to help mom get ready for the holidays.....baking cookies, wrapping presents, decorating, and taking her to rehab and anything else she might need! We will enjoy our time together!

Mom we are praying for you and very proud of how strong you were today!

Monday, November 30, 2009

and her full name will be....

Lucy Josephine Ehrmin
Her middle name is in honor of her great-grandmother, Josephine Emily Mutchler who passed away in October. We are eager for Lucy to carry on this beautiful name!

Her initials are LJE.
Her monogram is LEJ.

*Look for an update soon on the progress in the nursery. We weren't crazy about Pink Cadillac or Sweet Taffy so we are headed back to the paint store. But her clothes are all washed and sorted and her closet is almost finished :)

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Mini Pies!


Well I must be nesting because on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving I spend the entire day baking mini pumpkin, apple, and cherry pies. I used mini-muffin tins to shape each little pie. I'll admit it took a LONG time to finish all 60 pies but it was well worth it! They were delicious! Here a few pics of the pie making process. I originally got the idea from one of my favorite blogs. Check it out @!

Now the apple pies...

I didn't even know Denny took this picture! This was late in the evening when I was finished with the pies and quickly making some homemade whipped cream for the pumpkin pie!

Here is the proud baker (and Lucy!) standing by her little pies on Thanksgiving :)

OSU vs. Michigan!!!

This post is long overdue! Last weekend we traveled to Ann Arbor for the BIG GAME! Papa drove Jay, Callie, Denny, and I to meet with the Peshke's bright and early Saturday morning. They had saved us a great parking spot on the UM golf course where we spent the early afternoon with them. Tailgating with the Peshke's is always a blast!

Of course there were lots of jokes being tossed around about Denny and I being OSU fans(and Denny's BRIGHT red outfit) :)

Then Jay, Callie, Denny, and I went to the game at noon. Poor Papa didn't have a ticket (although he didn't really mind) so he went to a local pub to watch the game! It was a BEAUTIFUL mild November afternoon and we had so much fun. I funny thing happened when Denny and I were trying to find our seats...when we finally made it all the way to our seats in row 89 the older couple next to us ask if we could switch seats with them. They wanted to sit next to their daughter in row 89. We said that wouldn't be a problem and they handed us their tickets. Wow did we luck out! Their seats were in the same section but row 32!!! We had an amazing view of the game! What a fun day! It is hard to imagine that next year little Lucy will be with us to cheer on the Bucks during the big game :) We can't wait! OSU has now beat Michigan 6 years in a row!!!
Papa, thanks for driving us!