Monday, April 23, 2012

Baby Eddie!

We have hit the 38 week mark!  Only 15 days until Eddie's official due date.  I went to the Doc this afternoon and I am 2-3 cm. dilated and Eddie's head is low and engaged. I am ready to go when he is!  Now it is just a waiting game...

We can't wait to meet Eddie but also don't want to rush things.  I know he will come when he is ready :)  I just can't wait to see his sweet, little newborn face!

Here is Lucy cuddling with Eddie!  I think he will be very use to his sister when he is born.  She jumps right in my arms, sits on my baby bump and is quite content!
Photo on 4-22-12 at 9.12 AM #3
I think my bump is quite the perfect seat for her!

38 weeks belly (with Lucy in the background!)
Photo on 4-22-12 at 9.12 AM

It Fell Off!

Today Grandma DeeDee came to Columbus to spend the day with Lucy!  They had a great day together and had lots of fun. Their day included Barnes and Noble storytime, a special McDonald's lunch, and lots of playing.  Thanks Dee for offering to spend the day with Lucy.  She sure loved your visit!

I had to get this in the record books, though...Dee texted me in the afternoon and said something like "you won't believe what Lucy did!"  I was dying to hear the story all afternoon...

So before nap, Dee changed Lucy's diaper and then laid her in her crib with just diaper and shirt on.  She said goodnight and walked out.  Minutes later she looked in the video monitor(Thank God we have one!) and noticed Lucy holding something that looked like a diaper in her hand.  Sure enough, Dee ran into Lucy's room and Lucy was holding her dirty diaper.  She looked at Dee and said, "It fell off!" HAHAHAH!  To top it off, the poop also "fell out" and was laying in her crib. HAHAH!  So after changing the bedding and diaper, Dee laid Lucy down for her nap, this time with pants on. HA!

Oh, Lucy!  I had to get this written down.  Hopefully your first and last diaper in the crib incident! :)

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Easter 2012

We traveled to Perrysburg to celebrate Easter with our families. The weekend was very fun with lots and LOTS of egg hunts and candy!

Saturday we had a late afternoon egg hunt, opened Mimi and Papa's basket, and then had dinner.

The girls enjoyed their "purple themed" baskets! Full with purple tutus and purple peeps.
They waited patiently while the eggs were "hidden!"

Lucy also showed everyone how she could spit in the sunshine and get everyone to laugh....ugh!

Quickly we were out the front door to start the hunt!
Coco Key and Easter_120407_0036
Coco Key and Easter_120407_0037
Coco Key and Easter_120407_0038
Coco Key and Easter_120407_0039
Coco Key and Easter_120407_0048
Our baskets were FULL so we headed inside to open each and every egg. Luckily, Mimi only put one piece of candy in each egg. Because they did not stop until all the eggs were open!
Coco Key and Easter_120407_0056
Coco Key and Easter_120407_0061
Coco Key and Easter_120407_0064

Baby Eddie sure is growing. WOW!

Then it was craft time! Julia brought in her picnic table and "Make Your Own Egg" craft and the girls had a blast.
Coco Key and Easter_120407_0079

Sunday Denny woke up feeling just horrible, so Lucy and I ventured off to church and Belmont Easter Brunch without him. (Thanks to Julia for the pictures. I didn't bring have my camera at all Sunday.)

Ellie found the silver egg and got $10.00! She was so excited!

The girls decided to open all the eggs again. And this time each egg was FULL. Luckily, they were enthralled with filling coffee cups with all the candy and not eating it.

Then we returned to the Ehrmin's for a wonderful meal and our last egg hunt. Gracie and Lucy had lots of fun playing together. (Again, didn't have my camera. Just a few iPhone pictures. Hopefully Stacy can share some pictures.)

And wow...that was our Easter! BUSY, but fun. Thanks so everyone who worked to help Lucy have a wonderful Easter Weekend! We love you all.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

iPhone Update

Here are a sampling of pictures from my phone from March through April. Mostly, from the last week in March when we were on our Spring Break!


New summer shoes!

Perrysburg fun!

Playing at the Gahanna Park!

I love how my iPhone can capture moments when I do not have our real camera with us. It is fun to scroll through the shots and remember all the fun.

Easter 2012 post coming soon...

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Easter is Coming!

Sunday afternoon, our last day of Spring Break, we went to our favorite deli in German Village. We had a blast at Katzinger's and had a great lunch. Lucy charmed everyone in the outfit she picked out for herself!

She decided to top her outfit with a bright pink, layered tutu! Who doesn't need to wear a tutu to lunch?!?! I snapped some pictures on my phone of our lunch date.

In other news...we've had quite a week leading up to Easter. Sunday night at 11:30 pm Lucy woke up crying and proceeded to throw up all over me. She was sick and vomitting ALL NIGHT LONG! I think it was about 11:30pm to 6:00am. It was so, so awful. After a wonderful week off, enjoying Spring Break, this occurred hours before we were all to return to work. Denny and I were up with her all night long, doing loads of dirty laundry, and trying to make her as comfortable as possible.

Luckily, Denny and I did not catch the bug and 3 days later she is on the mend. Taking off 2 days, after Spring Break, was not easy but I had to be with her. We did lots of cuddling and napping together. We spent all day Monday and Tuesday in the house and getting better.

iPhone pictures from our days at home...

The entire time we cared for Lucy I couldn't help but think how lucky we are. How truly blessed we all are with our health. Sounds strange...I know. But there is a young girl, 15 months old, in Granville that is terminally ill with cancer. She is constantly going through chemo, risky procedures, and just plain feeling just horrible. As I held a weak, tearful Lucy I thanked God for her health and all the blessing we have as a family. I knew we would get through this flu and there was an end to this dark tunnel. I also prayed many times for the young baby with cancer and even more for her parents. We are so lucky.

On a more positive note....Lucy is beginning to eat again and get her energy back. Now we will finish the work week and prepare for a low-key Easter in Perrysburg. We need lots of relaxing and fun. Lucy is very excited about Easter eggs right now and will love a Easter Egg Hunt!

Here is our 2012 Easter Card!
Easter Card 12
Happy Easter to all!