Sunday, September 25, 2011

Perrysburg Visit!

Last weekend we were in Perrysburg to visit family and celebrate Ellie and Stacy's birthdays!

We enjoyed Harrison Rally Days. The girls were just too cute all lined up for the parade!
Harrison Rally Days_110916_0008
(Elisabeth, Anneliese, Lucy, Grace)

Just in case you weren't sure, someone turned 4!!!
Harrison Rally Days_110916_0005

I love my Ellie!

Birthday Girl!

Having fun at the party!

Always fun to see our Gigi!

It was great to see everyone and Lucy says HI! She always loves all the attention.

1 comment:

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Thanks for sharing this beautiful day with us! You made Elisabeth feel like a mermaid! :) (P.S. Do you yank up your clarity on LR? The first few pics are great...maybe that and vibrance? Love it!)