Sunday, October 2, 2011

A Quick Catch-Up!

Sorry for the lack of posting lately. We've been very busy around here. Lucy is doing great and has had a good start to the school year with Megan. My class is GREAT this year and it makes going to work each day a joy! Denny's work is going well, busy, but good!

I'm going to attempt to do a catch-up through photos. I found these photos on my small camera this evening and thought they'd do a nice job sharing our recent adventures!

#1. Buckeye Season! Despite the team this year(ouch!) we've been decked out in our scarlet and grey lately.
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#2. Denny got to go to a game with a friend and had amazing seats...
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#3. Denny and I also got to go to a game together this year. We had top row seats, not kidding, TOP ROW! But the weather was beautiful and we really enjoyed the day together.

View from our seats...haha

#4. Pony-tail girl!
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We officially have a mullet-baby, oops, I mean a pony-tail baby!
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She looks so big now-a-days. It breaks my heart a bit!
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#5. Ehrmin's visit
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These pictures are long over-due but we enjoyed a visit from the Ehrmin's last month...
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"Cookies?" Grandma finding cookies for Lucy while we stood in the rain at Dawes.
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Lucy is quite the lucky girl with cousins just her age on both sides of her family.

#6. Baby Amelia! Our friends, Brett and Kim's new baby girl!
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#7. New video monitor!
We have grown to LOVE this new monitor and for good reason. Our dare-devil has crawled out of her crib twice so far.(That's a whole other post...) So the peace and mind of using this monitor to see her safe in the crib is worth a million dollars!

Here you see her on the left side sitting up.

Here is she laying down with her feet towards the left.

That's all! Thanks to our little point-and-shoot camera for helping me recap our busy lives!


Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Love that little ponytail girl! She is looking big these days...each posting she seems to grow. I can't believe she's rounding the corner to 2! Where has the time gone?

Melanie said...

The pony is to die for!!! We love you Lucy!!

Jenny and Jon said...

Wow, even crazy Jackson did not crawl out of the crib until he was at least two......toddler bed, here we come I think!!! When he made the attempt to climb out, we got that little bed and he is still in it!! He loves it. P.S. Jackson and SB want some OSU gear for Christmas if you ever see anything cool...even though the team is lame this year.