Sunday, September 11, 2011

19 Months Old!

I have to say this age is one of my very favorites so far with Lucy. She is just bursting with personality and it is wonderful to watch her figure out the world around her. Every day is a new adventure!

Happy 19 Months Big Girl!
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You had so much fun picking apples with us!
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Checking out the orchard.
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You love to climb onto chairs.
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And then check out the view from your new seat.
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Big or have no fear!
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We love how confident you are!

Mommy and Daddy love you so much!
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You make us laugh and smile everyday!
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Lucy, you are growing up WAY too fast. I cherish the few "baby" moments you still offer me but also love watching you discover toddlerhood. You are the joy of our lives!

My favorite moment was just last week after a trip to Target. It was getting close to nap time, so Lucy and I were singing together on the way home and suddenly I noticed she got quiet. (singing=do not let baby fall asleep in the car.) If I stopped singing though she would sign "more" and say "mo" until I started singing again. When we pulled in the garage and I got her out of her carseat she said "looov Mommy" and hugged me. Then she closed her eyes and cuddled on my shoulder. It was a good 2 minutes before she moved. I seriously thought she had fallen asleep on my shoulder. It was the sweetest, most baby-like moment I've had with her in awhile and I cherished every second.

And even better....tonight when I rocked you before bed, you laid on my shoulder and asked for "books." We read Goodnight Moon 4 times and then I rocked you and sang "Hush Little Baby." You wanted me to sing it over and over again while you rested on my chest. You were my little baby for a little bit tonight and I loved EVERY second of it!


Jenny and Jon said...

Oh, hold on to those baby moments.....I get rare glimpses from Jack and thank goodness I have a real baby again to snuggle all I want. I hold her as much as I possibly can because I've learned how fast that time goes...some nights I let myself fall asleep in the chair with her just to have that snuggle time...Lucy is growing so fast, and so beautiful!

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

And such a beautiful 19 month old at that. I really love seeing more of Daddy on the blog...I think he's usually behind the lens. You know what? We all need more pictures of ourselves WITH our babies.

Alyson Moses said...

Looks like fun!!! Lucy is just gorgeous and love how little she looks against that big red chair :)