Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I'm Alive....

...well just barely. This first whole week back to school is killing me. To top if off, tonight we had Curriculum Night from 6:00-7:00 and I always hate speaking in front of 50 parents. It went fine and I'm GLAD IT'S OVER!

Megan sent me pictures from their trip to the park on Monday. It looks like they had so much fun. I wanted to share them so you can see how much fun little Lucy has with Aubrey. Lucy also officially learned how to say "Auubee!"

They fed the ducks!
...and by the look on Lucy's face I think she LOVED it!

They also played on the playground. Lucy attempted to keep up with Aubrey the whole time I think.

The playground also has a sandbox.

We love Megan and Aubrey so much!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

First Day of School

This week I officially started back to school with a new class arriving on Wednesday! I am pleased to report I have a great class with adorable boys and girls.

But let's start with the more exciting news....Lucy starting another year with the Crumleys! Megan is so wonderful and so are her children, Aubrey and Trevor.

Every morning Lucy runs up their walkway and knocks on their front door.
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She then joins Aubrey on the couch(who normally has just crawled out of bed)
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This is when Lucy demands whatever it is Aubrey has (cheerios, stuffed animal, toy, book, etc.) Aubrey kindly shares as Lucy signs "more."
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Lucy also gets to say "Bye Bye" to Trevor every morning as he gets on the bus a few minutes after I drop Lucy off.
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And best of all, LOVE from Megan!
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Aubrey was really excited to show me her "sucker" that Trevor bought her when he went to Cedar Point!
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Now back to my classroom!

For those that are curious here are some shots the first day of school before students arrived.
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Here are some of my adorable students! I am lucky to have such a sweet, loving class this year.
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And I'll end with....BOYS WILL BE BOYS!
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Happy 2011-2012 school year to everyone!

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Lucy will say no to popsicles and ice cream. Even cupcakes and cake. Occasionally even no to cookies.

But...she will never say no to CHOCOLATE!
Lucy 18 months_110814_0057
She especially loved the chocolate that Daddy brought back for her from Prague!

"This is good stuff!
Lucy 18 months_110814_0058

Today we went to "Music in the Garden" at Dawes to visit Aunt Megan. They had a special kids singer today singing Radio Disney! Lucy liked the music but it was a bit too hot for her (and us!)

She enjoyed drinking her cold water and watching the older children dance.

Her curls were too cute today!

It is also fun to lead Daddy around...

And running down the hill! Weee!

Check out those red cheeks. It was a hot one!

Thanks for inviting us Aunt Megan! And Lucy says thanks for the popsicle. It is the first popsicle she has ever eaten! It must have been the heat.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Lucy can officially count! We've heard "two" for awhile but today she said...

UN(one), DO(two), DEE(three), IVE(five.) and then claps she hands in pure joy!

I know we are missing the four in there but it was great!

Monday, August 15, 2011


At Lucy's 18 month appt. she was 23 lbs (30%) the highest she has been yet!

She was 30 1/2 inches tall (20%) and head circumference of 18 3/4 (80%) that head isn't slowing down! HA! She got just one painful shot. She even cried this time when Dr. Kern was getting the shot ready. And everything else was great. We are blessed to have a beautiful, healthy toddler.

New Words:
1. cookie
2. water (wa-wa)
3. apple
4. Mimi
5. Aubrey (Au-be) Megan's 4 year old daughter's name.
6. out
7. up
8. kiss
9. play (paay)
10. Elmo (eeee-ooo)
11. Bottle (ba-ba)
12. Please (peeesss)
13. Thank You
14. Love You
15. Lucy (u-see) I've got to get this on video camera!!!

*She also sings the tunes of the ABC's, Head Shoulders Knees and Toes, and I Love You.

Question of the Day:
Anyone that knows Lucy really well, what is she saying here?
Lucy 18 months_110814_0045

Guesses?!?!? She says it all the time and I laughed when I saw that Denny captured her saying it while playing in the yard.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Lucy is 18 Months Old!

Lucy 18 months_110813_0022

I cannot believe that you are a year and half old. Some days it seems like yesterday you were a little 6 lb. newborn and some days it seems like so, so long ago. We have enjoyed our summer together so much. You love to play outside. If we would let you, I think you would play outside all day long. You like to smell the flowers, play with the mulch, pick up rocks, run, run, run, say "HI" to anyone that walks by, and look for neighborhood dogs and cats. You are so happy to be outside and just love to explore. Today Daddy and I played outside with you and took some pictures. We want to always remember the fun afternoons we had outside with you as a toddler. You are such a special girl.
We love you Lucy,
Mommy and Daddy

Your favorite things outdoors:

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Lucy 18 months_110813_0004

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Lucy 18 months_110814_0028

soccer fun...
Lucy 18 months_110813_0007
Lucy 18 months_110813_0009

walking with Daddy...
Lucy 18 months_110813_0014

pointing out the everything you see (trees, flowers, dogs, birds, rocks)...
Lucy 18 months_110814_0036

posing for the camera...
Lucy 18 months_110814_0041
Lucy 18 months_110814_0040

singing with Mommy...
Lucy 18 months_110814_0044
(She thinks I have the best voice-ha!)

Happy 18 Months to our dear Lucy!
Lucy 18 months_110814_0032

Thursday, August 11, 2011

18 Months Old & Return to School!

Lucy turned 18 months old this week(it hit me hard when a teacher friend asked how old she was today - ugh :( ) and she is officially a walking, talking, lovable toddler. Not sure when this happened!?!?

Post coming soon marking details about our 18 month old and some pictures...

But until then I am in "SCHOOL MODE!" Multiple TO DO lists going, waking up in the middle of the night to jot down a new idea, sweating in my classroom, searching for new ideas on the internet, reading up on curriculum, constantly thinking about my classroom=school starts in 2 weeks!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Daddy Traveled To Prague!

This past week Denny traveled to Prague for Nationwide. He was gone 7 whole days! Lucy and I missed him sooooo much but luckily had lots of family to keep us busy. First, the Ehrmin's came to Columbus to spend sometime and drive us back to Perrysburg. Then we enjoyed more family while in Perrysburg. Finally, Mimi drove us back to Columbus and stayed for a few days to visit. It was a lot of fun spending time with our family and Lucy loved being spoiled each day!

Lucy loves her Papa and Mimi!
Grace's Birthday and Mimi-Papa_110803_0170

And her Grandma and Gramdpa!
Grace's Birthday and Mimi-Papa_110731_0117
She is one lucky baby girl!

One of Lucy favorites things to do now-a-days is to play outside. She could run, run, run for days. Papa is the best Papa and lets Lucy RUN RUN!
Grace's Birthday and Mimi-Papa_110803_0160

But not too far out of reach...
Grace's Birthday and Mimi-Papa_110803_0162

While in Perrysburg Lucy loved:

...the Schoolhouse that Mimi bought her!
Grace's Birthday and Mimi-Papa_110801_0134

...Uncle JAY JAY
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...Daddy's Kindle
Grace's Birthday and Mimi-Papa_110727_0018

And I adore those baby blue eyes...
Grace's Birthday and Mimi-Papa_110727_0013

We are so happy that Daddy is home! We are enjoying a low-key weekend.