Saturday, May 21, 2011

Weigh In and Ice Cream!

Lucy had a great well-check 15 month appointment with Dr. Kern. All is well! We are so blessed to have a healthy baby.

15 Month Stats:
Weight - 20 lbs. 11 oz. (20%)
Length - 28 1/2 in. (10%)
Head - 18 1/2 in (80%)

Obviously, she's all brains! HA! jk

At 15 months old, I weighed 19 lbs. 5 oz. (smaller than Lucy) and Denny weighed 27 lbs. 15 oz. Wow!!!

We've recently had some beautiful spring weather. We decided it was time to take Lucy to our local Whit's (frozen custard). You won't be surprised to hear she wasn't crazy about the big ice cream cone (probably reminded her of her birthday cake - ha!) but she did take a liking to eat some off the spoon.

She wanted to do it all by herself! :)


Jenny and Jon said...

Those pictures are so cute!! Wait until she tells you to "give her some privacy"......Jack progressed from "I do it myself" to "give me some privacy" recently, ha!!

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

What on Earth is she wearing? Hahaha...this pushes the envelope for the "hippy casual" look! CMU!

Mimi and Papa said...

She has a bean head like her Mommy! Can't wait to see you guys. xo