Saturday, May 7, 2011


A year ago Lucy and I met a few other babies and moms at St. Ann's Breastfeeding Group. We all had fun chatting and sharing "baby stories!" We've stayed in touch and had a playdate recently!

Trying to get all the babies to pose on the couch was quite the task...
Playdate and Easter 2011_110421_0034
(Lucy #1, Lucy #2, Eli, and Jolie)

Someone was moving, or crying, or unhappy...
Playdate and Easter 2011_110421_0029

They had much more fun playing with Lucy's toys...
Playdate and Easter 2011_110421_0024

Lucy wasn't so sure what she thought about this "sharing" stuff!HA!
Playdate and Easter 2011_110421_0028