Monday, May 16, 2011

He's Back!

Denny has finally fulled recovered from his nasal surgery. Yikes! That wasn't fun for all involved. He will have a check-up with his Dr. on Friday.

We were lucky to have the help of Mimi and Grandpa during his surgery week. I also took off a few days to help. Mimi was here during the surgery on Wednesday and right after (hence no photos) and Grandpa came to help with Lucy when I returned to work on Friday. Thanks again to both of you for your help!

Lucy was totally spoiled and loved the extra time to play at home.
15 months old_110506_0021

I miss you Grandpa and Mimi!
15 months old_110506_0008
Thanks for all the fun!!! :)


Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

How cute with her Grandpa Gary! (Love that she ALSO has a Grandpa Gary, just like us!) :)

Heather said...

so glad denny is back at home after his surgery!