Saturday, May 14, 2011

15 Months Old and Mother's Day!

Miss Lucy turned 15 Months Old!
15 months old_110507_0046
What's New?

4 teeth on bottom, 4 teeth on top, and 4 more starting to pop through!
Her hair is getting longer and curlier every day!
She still has the tiniest feet, but is too coordinated for her own good.
Starting to drop the morning nap. But still takes 2 naps most days.
Learning to correctly use the iPad. (one finger and she moves the puzzle pieces)
Likes to dance, skip, and jump.
Can point out Mommy, Daddy, Lucy, and Papa in pictures.

...and our favorite new trick....Lucy likes to pick out a book, bring it over to us, and sit on our lap to read it!
15 months old_110508_0052

She likes to turn the pages...
15 months old_110508_0049

And point out the dog on every page...
15 months old_110508_0053

Another new skill is cuddling her stuffed animals. She will pick up as many as she can possible hold and hug them tight.
15 months old_110508_0069

She also likes to sit on the step.
15 months old_110508_0078

Oh Lucy!
15 months old_110508_0081

She now is full of life, personality, and love. She likes to say "no" to any question asked of her. She will often even shake her head while saying "no." She also loves to mimic behavior, sounds, and words (watch out world!) If you cluck your tongue, so will Lucy. If you blow bubbles with your mouth, so will Lucy. She will try just about anything!

She can say...
1. Daddy
2. Momma (rarely)
3. ball
4. no
5. Papa
6. more
7. Thank You
8. uh oh
9. dog
10. woof woof (response to "What does a dog say?")
11. baby
12. Au-brey (little girl she spends the week with )
13. wow

She loves to eat...
1. banana (seriously she could down 2 at one sitting)
2. oranges
3. pretzels
4. bagels with cream cheese
5. grilled cheese
6. pizza
7. hummus
8. yogurt
9. cheddar cheese
10. baby Cliff bars
11. crackers
12. water
13. apples
14. chicken pot pie (I made an entire pie, froze it into small bowls, and she has almost eaten the entire thing. This is about the only way to get her to eat meat.)

Happy 15 Months, LJE!
15 months old_110508_0057

We also celebrated Mother's Day!
15 months old_110507_0035

We went to the Buxton Inn in Granville for brunch.
15 months old_110507_0038
Then we went to the park for the afternoon. Another new love of this 15 month old! I think we will have many playground playdates this summer...


Mimi and Papa said...

Please teach Lucy to say "Mimi". :)
Lucy is so sweet and so cute in these above pictures that I could just squeeze her.

Jenny and Jon said...

She looks like a doll, I still can't believe those BLUE eyes!! Jackson saw these pics and said "there's Sarabeth". I told him it was his cousin Lucy, then he said "she's my brother"......we're working on connecting the dots with who is who in the family, we have a ways to go obviously:)

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

There she goes, changing again. Frances, she's looking like a little girl {tear}, but a beautiful one! Love your Mother's Day shots...print and put in your classroom, now!