Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Recent video of LJE

Lucy's Spring 2011 from Momma Ehrm. on Vimeo.

Password to watch the video is "Lucy"
(I have set all her videos to private so others cannot watch them.)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Weigh In and Ice Cream!

Lucy had a great well-check 15 month appointment with Dr. Kern. All is well! We are so blessed to have a healthy baby.

15 Month Stats:
Weight - 20 lbs. 11 oz. (20%)
Length - 28 1/2 in. (10%)
Head - 18 1/2 in (80%)

Obviously, she's all brains! HA! jk

At 15 months old, I weighed 19 lbs. 5 oz. (smaller than Lucy) and Denny weighed 27 lbs. 15 oz. Wow!!!

We've recently had some beautiful spring weather. We decided it was time to take Lucy to our local Whit's (frozen custard). You won't be surprised to hear she wasn't crazy about the big ice cream cone (probably reminded her of her birthday cake - ha!) but she did take a liking to eat some off the spoon.

She wanted to do it all by herself! :)

Monday, May 16, 2011

He's Back!

Denny has finally fulled recovered from his nasal surgery. Yikes! That wasn't fun for all involved. He will have a check-up with his Dr. on Friday.

We were lucky to have the help of Mimi and Grandpa during his surgery week. I also took off a few days to help. Mimi was here during the surgery on Wednesday and right after (hence no photos) and Grandpa came to help with Lucy when I returned to work on Friday. Thanks again to both of you for your help!

Lucy was totally spoiled and loved the extra time to play at home.
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I miss you Grandpa and Mimi!
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Thanks for all the fun!!! :)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

15 Months Old and Mother's Day!

Miss Lucy turned 15 Months Old!
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What's New?

4 teeth on bottom, 4 teeth on top, and 4 more starting to pop through!
Her hair is getting longer and curlier every day!
She still has the tiniest feet, but is too coordinated for her own good.
Starting to drop the morning nap. But still takes 2 naps most days.
Learning to correctly use the iPad. (one finger and she moves the puzzle pieces)
Likes to dance, skip, and jump.
Can point out Mommy, Daddy, Lucy, and Papa in pictures.

...and our favorite new trick....Lucy likes to pick out a book, bring it over to us, and sit on our lap to read it!
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She likes to turn the pages...
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And point out the dog on every page...
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Another new skill is cuddling her stuffed animals. She will pick up as many as she can possible hold and hug them tight.
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She also likes to sit on the step.
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Oh Lucy!
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She now is full of life, personality, and love. She likes to say "no" to any question asked of her. She will often even shake her head while saying "no." She also loves to mimic behavior, sounds, and words (watch out world!) If you cluck your tongue, so will Lucy. If you blow bubbles with your mouth, so will Lucy. She will try just about anything!

She can say...
1. Daddy
2. Momma (rarely)
3. ball
4. no
5. Papa
6. more
7. Thank You
8. uh oh
9. dog
10. woof woof (response to "What does a dog say?")
11. baby
12. Au-brey (little girl she spends the week with )
13. wow

She loves to eat...
1. banana (seriously she could down 2 at one sitting)
2. oranges
3. pretzels
4. bagels with cream cheese
5. grilled cheese
6. pizza
7. hummus
8. yogurt
9. cheddar cheese
10. baby Cliff bars
11. crackers
12. water
13. apples
14. chicken pot pie (I made an entire pie, froze it into small bowls, and she has almost eaten the entire thing. This is about the only way to get her to eat meat.)

Happy 15 Months, LJE!
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We also celebrated Mother's Day!
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We went to the Buxton Inn in Granville for brunch.
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Then we went to the park for the afternoon. Another new love of this 15 month old! I think we will have many playground playdates this summer...

Sunday, May 8, 2011

We're Going to the Zoo, Zoo, Zoo...

Last weekend Denny, Lucy, Laura, Canon, Anna, and I went to the Columbus Zoo! We had a lot of fun. Lucy and Anna (Laura's niece who was in town from Chicago) loved all the animals and spending the day outside.

We started the day in the petting zoo...
Lucy just couldn't get enough of the "dogs."

We even got to watch a little girl brush their fur.

The "dogs" were so calm and gentle.

Even when Lucy tried to kick them...
No really, she kicked him over and over again.

While at the zoo we saw...
Big gray "dogs"

Orange and black "dogs"

Upside-down "dogs"

And big, hairy "dogs"

In all seriousness though, Lucy really did call EVERY SINGLE animal a "dog." It was so cute. From the little hedgehog to the huge elephant, it was a dogfess in Lucy's mind!

This past year the zoo opened a new Polar Bear Exhibit! You are able to get REALLY close to the polar bears...

Lucy wasn't sure what to think about those "dogs"

Laura and Canon are the best aunt and uncle ever! Anna was lucky to get to spend the day with them.

Anna is such a precious little baby. She will be turning 1 this month!

The "dads" pushed the strollers while we lead the way...

Occasionally, pausing to do some dance moves to entertain the girls...
(If I remember correctly, Laura did a stellar move at this point!) :)

Lucy recently learned to hold our finger. She likes to do it when we go for walks and even in the stroller...
...heart melting....

The girls ended the day going for a bike ride.....

Anna, we hope you will come back soon to visit! We had so much fun with you!

Laura and Canon, you are the best friends. We're lucky to get to hang out with such fun people!

So I Never Forget...

...Denny just gave Lucy her bottle, brushed her teeth, and laid her down in her crib. When he was walking out he said, "Goodnight Lucy, I love you!" And she lifted her little arm and waved to him while laying down.

Then she rolled over to her tummy, tucked her legs under her chest(butt in the arm), and started to hum to herself.

SHE IS PERFECT! (Just saying, as the Mother here)

Saturday, May 7, 2011


A year ago Lucy and I met a few other babies and moms at St. Ann's Breastfeeding Group. We all had fun chatting and sharing "baby stories!" We've stayed in touch and had a playdate recently!

Trying to get all the babies to pose on the couch was quite the task...
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(Lucy #1, Lucy #2, Eli, and Jolie)

Someone was moving, or crying, or unhappy...
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They had much more fun playing with Lucy's toys...
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Lucy wasn't so sure what she thought about this "sharing" stuff!HA!
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Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Please say a special prayer this afternoon for Denny as he undergoes nasal surgery at the OSU Medical Center.

I promise to update everyone tonight. His surgery is set for 3:15p.m. today and expected to last around 1 hour and 30 minutes. We should be coming home later tonight after he recovers. Lucy will be in godo hands with her Mimi!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Easter 2011

Happy Easter!
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We had a wonderful Easter weekend with our families in Perrysburg! Lucy enjoyed a few egg hunts, chowing down her first chocolate bar, and being a VERY active girl at 2 church services.

Saturday night we went out to dinner with the Ehrmin's and the to Zoar's Easter Vigil service.

My heart melted watching Lucy walk with her Daddy to dinner.
"Dad, can I lead the way?"

Grace looked so cute for Easter weekend.

Loving Uncle Denny!

Sunday we went to Mass with the Burrow's and Mimi and Papa and then had a nice Easter Brunch.

A special thanks to Mimi and Papa for helping to entertain 3 very, very busy girls at St. Rose. (I think each adult took a turn holding or entertaining each girl, Anneliese, Ellie or Lucy at a different point during the service! :)) After Mass ended the families around us all commented to Mimi how beautiful, and busy her grandchildren are...haha!
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The Burrows!
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As soon as we were back to the house Ellie and Lucy started searching for eggs....AKA CHOCOLATE!
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Ellie had 5-6 pieces in just seconds :)

Lucy wasn't far behind.....she enjoyed her first chocolate bar with her Daddy!

"Can I have this?"
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Ellie would put all the eggs in the basket and Lucy would dump them all out...
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over and over and over again!

Lucy also helped find the eggs...
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Some eggs had chapstick in them. Lucy thought it was a hair brush of some sort. So she proceeded to walk around the living room "combing her hair!"
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Easter cookies...

Lucy's Easter basket had silly bunny ears from cousin Jackson!

And a 'Signing Time' cd from the Easter Bunny. And a cute bib from Aunt Julia!
Lucy and I also stopped by the Brzozka's over the weekend to see Melanie who was home from LA! She is expecting her first baby this fall and we had to make a minute to see her. (And her adorable niece, Stella!)
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Me, Lucy, Heather, and Stella!
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It was just a gorgeous afternoon in the Brzozka's new backyard!
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Lucy enjoyed a banana with Aunt Mel.
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"Oh Melanie, I love you already!"
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Stella and Lucy kept their distance...
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...because all Lucy wanted to do was run around the backyard with the "dogs!

Happy Easter everyone! We are lucky to have such a wonderful family and friends!