Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Party Planning!

Lucy's big BIRTHDAY PARTY is just around the corner! While I'm not ready to admit it yet, our baby is turning ONE!

We are having a "small" family party to celebrate her big day next Sunday! Just counting the immediate family, we will have over 15 people joining us! I'm sure it will be a fun day.
Lucy's birthday invite

The theme will be Olivia, red & black, and polka dots! I'm having a blast planning, cooking, baking, and decorating. "You know the party is over 2 weeks away?!" Denny kindly stated at dinner the other night! :) Yes, I know which means I better get going - haha!


Mimi and Papa said...

I don't think Denny gets it! Neither does Papa! I spent hours painting a birthday sign for each of your special months....and the parties were "themed" and full of a lot of fun. Kerry Clark for Julia - cracks me up! Your skating party that turned into a soccer party because it was 50 out and the rink at Carranor melted. I think birthdays should last a whole month. Seriously.

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

RSVP for 4 please. We're there...and I'm already super excited about it! There is something very special about turning one! Yay Lucy!

Jenny and Jon said...

Guys just don't get it, your baby only turns one once and yes, the baby won't remember, but YOU will and it is so fun to celebrate this milestone. I'm sorry we won't be there in person, but we will be shopping for some special things this weekend and put them in the mail early next week for her to open at the party:)