Friday, January 21, 2011

Exploring Food!

Over the past 4 months, Lucy has really enjoyed exploring new foods. She first loved baby food veggies(peas!), then preferred baby food fruits. At one point she refused to even let the veggies get hear her lips....a little attitude here for sure! She has NEVER eaten baby oatmeal or cereal of any kind. She had a minor obsession with Gerber Puffs(banana!) and now Cheerios trump those any day! She has thought MUM-MUMS were pretty amazing from day one. If she even sees the packaging she will begin to kick her legs until we get it into her hands. She will hum and say "MMMMM...MMMMM..." the entire time she eats them. She has also really gotten the hang of her sippy cup. She prefers water in it.

Her next love is BREAD....just like her Momma, she thinks it's pretty darn good. Enjoy this video of Lucy chowing on some bread in November!

eating from Frances Ehrmin on Vimeo.

(Password is Lucy)

This is also the time she learned to shake her head "NO!" :)

Our newest adventures with food this week include:
*trying ground beef for the first time and LOVING IT! It was mixed with tomato sauce from our dinner and she couldn't get enough.
*refusing every grilled cheese I made this week, even though it was a staple meal for the past 2 weeks.
*sucking on oranges until she's gotten ALL the juice out.
*chewing on apple chunks.
*transitioning from formula to whole milk! She had her first whole milk bottle this week and.....LOVED IT!
*she also has finished all the breastmilk I had stored in the freezer (yay, we know have room for food!)

This food post was sparked by cousin Anneliese! We are so proud of your noodle eating. Lucy wants to share food with you soon :)


Mimi and Papa said...

She came by that love of bread through DNA. Mimi loves bread, Mommy loves bread, Gigi loves bread.....Cute video.

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

...I love bread, Ellie loves bread, Anneliese loves bread...what an adorable posting! She is very meticulous and gets one piece in after the other. Love it!