Thursday, January 27, 2011

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions...

Denny and I just made yet another difficult decision for Lucy. Choosing the right childcare for Lucy has been a very difficult and challenging experience for us. This is no surprise though, as I can remember e-mailing prospective caretakers last November before Lucy was even born! We wanted Lucy to be safe, loved, able to nap, not getting sick, mentally stimulated, read to, etc, etc....basically we were looking for the closest thing to being with Mom and Dad that we could find.

Lucy started at Little Village Academy in August of 2010 when I returned to work. We were very happy with this daycare and especially her teachers. Debbie and Melissa loved Lucy so much and she was always happy to see them(and the other babies.) She ate well, played, and was safe there. They took good care of her each day and she developed a close bond with them. But on the other hand, she napped horribly because there was too much going on(some days she took a 20 minute nap the entire 8 HOUR DAY!) and she got sick WAY TOO MUCH for our liking. If it wasn't a running nose, then it was a cough. If it wasn't a cough, it was a stomach bug.

Lucy with Ms. Debbie and Ms. Melissa on her last day! :(
lucy debbie and melissa_110119_0001

The final straw occurred over Christmas break for me. Lucy had a bad cold that turned into an ear infection. She was prescribed amoxicillin to fight the ear infection. Days later she was having explosive diarrhea and not acting herself. Mother's instinct told me this wasn't right and I called the doctor. After another day, she was off the meds but still feeling bad. We weren't able to travel to Toledo for the holidays until a day later than planned and Lucy wasn't herself all Christmas break. Not sleeping well, not eating at ALL, and she just wanted to be held! She barely was able to play with her new toys and family! I vividly remember the pit in my stomach those days. Something just didn't feel right. Christmas night I told Denny I wanted to start looking for other care and he supported my plan.

Let the fun begin....e-mails, facebook messages, texts, craiglist, and many phone calls later we had setup interviews with two women in Granville. I was looking for a stay-at-home mom with another child currently at home for Lucy to play with, in a safe-loving home. Both women we interviewed were GREAT and we ended up choosing Megan. She is a mother of a third grade boy, Trevor (he is in the classroom next to mine!) and a three-year-old girl, Aubrey (whom Lucy adores!) They are the most down-to-earth, kind, and loving family.

This week was Lucy's first week with Megan and I am feeling great about it. She is adjusting well and even took a 3+ hour nap one day, is eating well, LOVING Aubrey, and doing great! Megan takes notes for me each day about Lucy's day and is always eager to share tales of their day together when I pick her up!

I'm really happy with our decision despite all the work that went into it, but I know this isn't the first, or last, tough decision we will make for Lucy.

*Side Note: Lucy did her first signing tonight during dinner! She signed "more" when asking for more yogurt! We've done this sign with her for months and months and this is the first time she has done it. Before she would just wiggle and kick her legs when she wanted more-haha! But tonight she tapped her right pointer finger on her left fingers, signing "more!" I think I screamed as my heart melted...and then I gave her MORE :) GO LUCY!


Mimi and Papa said...

Working mothers feel the pain of the childcare situation. No matter what you decide, it is always on your mind. Megan's house sounds perfect and Lucy is already fitting right in. Can't wait to see her on her first birthday.

Jenny and Jon said...

I can TOTALLY relate to the drama you went through with this decision. I'm still not sure what our decision is when we have two. Sounds like you made the right choice for your situation. I have heard of people here that do what Megan is doing for you, but most do more of a group home daycare thing and to me that is the same thing I have at the center and I feel better knowing that the center won't cancel on me or take a vacation when I don't want to take one, etc. I have yet to find someone like you did, good going!! And, I can tell you, I have been doign this for a year+ longer than you (daycare I mean) the sickness is AWFUL and has not gotten better. All I can hope is that he will NOT be as sick as the kids who stayed home and I know he is well socialized and adapted already for when he starts school.