Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Year's Eve!

This past weekend Julia, Craig, Ellie, and Anneliese ventured to Columbus to spend New Year Eve and day with us! We all enjoyed the time relaxing together.

We visited the fudge shop....obviously Ellie loved it!

I let her pick out "anything you want!" You won't be surprised to hear she picked out a candy bracelet with a large heart charm on it! ALL girl there....

Saturday was unbelievably warm for Ohio! It was almost 60 and we sat outside in German Village waiting for lunch. The warm sunshine and breeze felt amazing.
(Check out E enjoying her candy - lol!)

Lunch at Schmidt's was amazing!
(Lucy enjoyed her first "real" grilled cheese there.....she downed half of Ellie's lunch. Luckily Ellie didn't mind as she continued to enjoy her candy bracelet...ha!)

We had the most fun just letting the girls play! A and L are so close in age and enjoy each other. Ellie kept herself busy with all the new toys!

My favorite part of the weekend was A and L's first bath together. I'll let them narrate the experience.......

A - "Mom, look I'm taking a bath with Lucy!"
L - "Uh, what is SHE doing in MY bathtub?"

L - "And now you are going to wash my hair?"

A - "Where did that scream come from?"
L - scccreeech!

A - "I'm kinda digging this bath and washcloth!"
L - "Okay Mom, get me outta here!"

Oh girls, we can't wait for all the fun times(and baths) you will share together! We are so lucky to have each other!


Mimi and Papa said...

Thanks for sharing the wonderful New Year's post. This is such a neat tradition that you should continue as the children grow up. Remember you can always set the clock ahead to midnight at 9pm. xo

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

I'm just laughing away reading the commentary for the bathtime. I'm also laughing away seeing those cheeks, rolls and ears on my sweet Anneliese. What a hoot she is! And so happy, too! Thanks again for such a great weekend...Lucy was so nice to share all of her toys and tubtime. I think it's a definite tradition that the girls will come to love.'s on!