Better late than never is our motto this month!
January 6, 2011 Lucy turned 11 months old

She is more active than ever and we can't take our eye off her for ONE SECOND!

She can go from sitting to standing all on her own now. She quickly puts her hand in front of herself, boosts herself up, and she's off!

Still a bit wobbly but she's also increasing speed....

New stats:
Bedtime: 7:30ish (We tried to push it back to 8:15 one evening this week and quickly realized that WASN'T a good idea!)
Wake Up Time: 5:00am!!! (Yes, she now wakes up an hour earlier, but just joins us in bed with a bottle, and falls back asleep with us. Not the best habit, but I ADORE the cuddle time and extra sleep with her!)
Bath: everyday at 7:00ish
Naps: 2-3x/day for a total of 2 hours/day (napping continues to not be so great...but we can always count on a good nap on the drive home from about 4:00-5:30pm)
Bottles:1 morning bottle, 3 x at school 5oz each., and 1 bottle before bed. She still loves her bottles!
Food: solids at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. She continues with Stage 2 foods. Her favorites are Bananas, Apple, and Pears. She now REFUSES to eat baby food veggies. YoBaby yogurt is still a fav. - she likes the banana and blueberry flavors. She also loves finger foods like cheerios, puffs, rice mum-mums, and bread! New this month is GRILLED CHEESE! The first time she tired it was at lunch with cousin Ellie and she has loved it every since. She has it for dinner most nights. She also LOVES toast with cream cheese on top! (Yes, she continues the carb trend....but still will not eat pasta!)
Favorite Toys: She LOVES all her new toys from Christmas. She plays with the Fisher Price Musical Table everyday! She continues to love toys with strings and ones that make noise. She has WAY TOO many toys, so we have some in each room of the house and some even stored away for her birthday! I think she needs a big toy chest!?!
Firsts: walking, walking, walking...., she can stand up on her own now too. She is like a "sponge" right now. In just one day I taught her "How old is Lucy?" and she holds up one finger. And she also learned to wave this month! (videos coming!)
Lucy's hair continues to grow and I can even get a bow in it now!

Lucy still has just 2 bottom teeth but her top two are getting ready and 2 more on the bottom are beginning to peek through!

Lucy Josephine, it is hard to believe you are almost 1 year old! It seems like yesterday you joined our family. We love everything about you and can't wait to celebrate yet another month with you!