Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Who knew making a registry would be so complicated...

Over the past weeks we've tried to get our Babies R Us and Potterybarn Kids registries up-to-date. This requires trips to the store, making lists of what we think we really "need", and reading safety reviews for the bigger items. Being married to Denny means I can't just pick out the item that "looks cute" but we must research the safety ratings on Consumer Reports (all while in standing in store...haha!) I know he's going to be a great Dad!

Below are some of the items that we need before Lucy arrives:

stroller/car seat

2nd car seat base

pack n' play (to use on our main floor)

swing bouncer

Bedding (I can't decide on a nursery set. Here are a few I like. Which do you prefer?)

This is the Cherry Blossom set!

This is the Penelope set!

This is the Scallop Pique set! (Trim will be pink, not green.)

We are still looking for a glider for the nursery and a monitor. Suggestions, tips, comments, and opinions are welcomed!


Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Ooooh, I especially like the scalloped pique set in pink. I even like the green! It's simple with clean lines. (I'll like anything you pick, they're all sweet and feminine!)

Canon and Laura said...

If the Penelope is the same we saw in the store, I love it!! But all of those are super cute :)

Jenny and Jon said...

I vote penelope eye ALWays goes to this set when I see it in the catalog, something about the pink and green and the cute birds!!! Monogram or name is a must too!! I still love Jackson's crib set soo much and I think I will cry when he has to move out of the crib and I have to pack it away!

Mimi and Papa said...

I vote for the scalloped bedding as it will be easy to accessorize! Simple is nice! And yes, get her name on, mimi

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Today is a really big day. I think we deserve pictures of Lucy. She is due in exactly 100 more days! Let the classroom and family countdown begin!!!!!!!

Katie said...

LOVE the scallop bedding. AND the green lends itself to a boy, in the future... something to think about!

(but i loveeeee the pink scallop!)

Frances said...

I think the scallop is beautiful too! But I wonder if it will be as stunning behind a white crib?!?!?