Friday, October 9, 2009

Almost 23 weeks!

Here is a picture of Baby Lucy at almost 23 weeks! She is a kicking away and beginning to wake me up in the middle of the night as she moves around :) Does this mean she is going to be a "night owl?" HAHA!



Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Beautiful belly! No wonder your back hurts, look at your back...wowza, it's nearly doing a backbend while you stand! :) Keep growing Lucy!

Mimi and Papa said...

Little Lucy! Has Denny played the famous Beatles song..."Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" for you yet.
Take good care of yourself and Denny, we are thinking of you and your family this week with dear Grandma Mutchler. love, Mimi

Jenny and Jon said...

Finally, a belly shot! I take back what I said on Julia's blog...thanks for sharing your belly with us:) I noticed actually in both of your photos the way the baby changes your posture and the way the back bends to accomodate the baby...amazing...all things you don't notice about yourself until you see a photo or look back! Women truly are the stronger sex!!

Jenny and Jon said...

p.s. Denny, we are thinking of you and your family, grandparents are so specia,l and no matter what happens and when, she will always live on in your heart. Someone told me that when my grandma was very sick and it is true.

Melanie said...

Thank you for finally posting Frances!!!!! I'm sad that my bridesmaid dress is going to hide such a cute belly. Baby Lucy is getting so big. Can't wait to see you and feel her kick. I hope that's not weird.