I can't believe it but I've been pregnant now for 6 whole months! Baby Lucy is now weighing in around 1 pound and is almost 1 foot long. I can believe this because in the past 2 weeks my belly has really, really grown! Although my bridesmaid dress fit great this weekend for Laura's wedding and now I'm praying the bridesmaids dress for Melanie's wedding next weekend will fit the same :)
I have a normally scheduled check up this coming Wednesday with Dr. Atwood and then a gluclose screening test in 2 weeks. This will test for a pregnancy related high-blood-sugar condition. I've heard not so great things about this test that involves drinking a large glass of nasty flavored sugar water and having blood drawn. Let's just hope the results are good so I don't have to be retested!
How To Propagate Succulents
2 weeks ago
Oh we saw how baby Lucy has grown and you looked adorable for the wonderful wedding! Please post pics asap. I was snapping away and then I compared my pics to Denny's and decided I need a new camera. I can't wait to see them. love, Mimi
ps/ We did jay's 2nd sr. pic photo shoot today at sjj. I think they will be great.
Looking forward to pictures. I'm sure your 24 week belly is adorable...but sometimes the non-maternity dresses camoflage the beauty that it is! See you this weekend. :)
post pics! I had to do that glucose test twice too, things were fine but I got double the fun...get ready to chug a lug!!
Remember not to eat anything too sugary before you go! Just think, 24 weeks down 16 to go!
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