Monday, October 26, 2009

Happy Birthday, Denny!


Today is Denny's 28th Birthday! We are going to go out to dinner (when he gets home from MBA classes) to celebrate! Our reservations are at 8:30 at a Cameron Mitchell restaurant in Worthington that we haven't been to before. They are know for their sourdough bread, strip steaks, and local desserts! It will be nice to spend the evening together, as our lives have been very, very busy the past two weeks.

Here is the gift that Lucy got him...she can't wait to cheer for the Bucks with her Dad:)


Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Cute post, hilarious picture of Denny. Happy Birthday, Denny! P.S. That restaurant sounds awesome...nothing like local fare. Mmm!

Mimi and Papa said...

Happy Birthday to Denny! love, Mimi and Papa

Jenny and Jon said...

Happy birthday you're old........just kidding.......look who's talking, Jon and I are pushing THIRTY, GASP!! I hope you had a great day:)