Friday, October 30, 2009

Only 100 more days to go....

Well, it is Friday evening after the Halloween Party and Parade at school! The day went great and the kids had loads of fun but I am EXHAUSTED! I took lots of pictures and promise to post soon. Lucy celebrated her first Halloween today as a little pumpkin! :) Also, when I walked into my classroom after lunch the parent volunteers were all dressed up as "Mrs. Ehrmin" belly and all. It was too cute!

Only 100 days to go! I can't believe how fast this pregnancy seems to be going by...

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Who knew making a registry would be so complicated...

Over the past weeks we've tried to get our Babies R Us and Potterybarn Kids registries up-to-date. This requires trips to the store, making lists of what we think we really "need", and reading safety reviews for the bigger items. Being married to Denny means I can't just pick out the item that "looks cute" but we must research the safety ratings on Consumer Reports (all while in standing in store...haha!) I know he's going to be a great Dad!

Below are some of the items that we need before Lucy arrives:

stroller/car seat

2nd car seat base

pack n' play (to use on our main floor)

swing bouncer

Bedding (I can't decide on a nursery set. Here are a few I like. Which do you prefer?)

This is the Cherry Blossom set!

This is the Penelope set!

This is the Scallop Pique set! (Trim will be pink, not green.)

We are still looking for a glider for the nursery and a monitor. Suggestions, tips, comments, and opinions are welcomed!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Mr. and Mrs. Zack Howard!!!

This past weekend Melanie and Zack were married in Toledo! I was a bridesmaid, for the second weekend in a row, and had a blast with the girls! Melanie was a beautiful bride, the cathedral was just unbelievable, and the day went off without a hitch! Enjoy some pics from the wonderful day!


The reception at Sylvania Country Club was a blast!!!
Here's a great pic of Papa and Mom!

Melanie and Zack - I hope you have a wonderful time in Fiji!!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Happy Birthday, Denny!


Today is Denny's 28th Birthday! We are going to go out to dinner (when he gets home from MBA classes) to celebrate! Our reservations are at 8:30 at a Cameron Mitchell restaurant in Worthington that we haven't been to before. They are know for their sourdough bread, strip steaks, and local desserts! It will be nice to spend the evening together, as our lives have been very, very busy the past two weeks.

Here is the gift that Lucy got him...she can't wait to cheer for the Bucks with her Dad:)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Mr. and Mrs. Canon Krebehenne!!!

This past weekend I was a bridesmaid in Laura and Canon's wedding. The rehearsal and wedding took place in Granville and the reception was at Longaberger Golf Club! What a beautiful wedding!


Wedding Ceremony and Reception:
Check out that view!
Lucy was happy to be a part of the fun weekend!

Pics of beautiful flowers, cake, etc:

Sunday, October 18, 2009

6 months!!!

I can't believe it but I've been pregnant now for 6 whole months! Baby Lucy is now weighing in around 1 pound and is almost 1 foot long. I can believe this because in the past 2 weeks my belly has really, really grown! Although my bridesmaid dress fit great this weekend for Laura's wedding and now I'm praying the bridesmaids dress for Melanie's wedding next weekend will fit the same :)

I have a normally scheduled check up this coming Wednesday with Dr. Atwood and then a gluclose screening test in 2 weeks. This will test for a pregnancy related high-blood-sugar condition. I've heard not so great things about this test that involves drinking a large glass of nasty flavored sugar water and having blood drawn. Let's just hope the results are good so I don't have to be retested!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

RIP Grandma Mutchler

Monday, October 12th Grandma Mutchler, 86 years of age, passed away peacefully at Kingston. She fought a long, hard fight with Parkinson's and we are glad she is in a better place now not in pain. The funeral today at Zoar was just beautiful and the perfect way to celebrate her joyful life. We will miss you Grandma!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Hats, Hats, and More HATS!

This past weekend while we were in Perrysburg for the weekend, Julia, Elisabeth, and I went to a little hat party. A local woman hand knits hats for babies and toddlers! Here are the 3 I picked out for Lucy! Won't she be cute?!?!?
I can't decide which is my favorite....OHIO, pink with buttons, or purple cashmere?

If you would like to order a hat e-mail Becky at!

Almost 23 weeks!

Here is a picture of Baby Lucy at almost 23 weeks! She is a kicking away and beginning to wake me up in the middle of the night as she moves around :) Does this mean she is going to be a "night owl?" HAHA!


Thursday, October 8, 2009

Unplanned Vacation!

Well, today begins my little "unplanned vacation" from work. Unfortunately, I have a high number of students in my classroom who are out sick with the flu. Yesterday it was 1/4 of my entire class!!! Two of the 6 six that are out have been tested and confirmed with the H1N1 flu! Dr.Sherwood, our school nurse, and Dr. Atwood, my obgyn, both suggested I stay home for a few days and not continue to directly expose myself and the baby to the germs.

I have mixed feelings about the days off because I am missing time with my students and also I am using my sick days that I have been collecting for 3 years for my maternity leave. I had collected a total of 46 sick days to use during my maternity leave, but now I am going to be using a few unplanned. Although everyone has told me to not worry about days because it is more important that I stay healthy! I do agree.

So the agenda for the next two days:
-start registries on Babies R Us and Potterybarn Kids
-complete guest list for my baby shower in December
-continue my search for nursery bedding :)
-go to the library and get some prenatal yoga, etc videos (my back is killing me!!!)
-rest, relaxing, fluids, etc as recommended by my Doc
-any other suggestions?