YAY! It is September 1st...which means only 22 days until my 20 week ultrasound appointment!
On September 23rd @ 10:00 I have a doctor's appointment to check on the baby's growth and to find out the gender! Denny and I are both taking half of the day off so we can go to breakfast, to the doctor's appointment, and maybe a little shopping once we find out if Baby Ehrmin is a boy or girl(although I don't know if Denny knows about this part of the plan-haha)!!! We can't wait!
How To Propagate Succulents
2 weeks ago
Mimi and Papa can't wait to know what baby E will be ....We love him/her already! I have had dreams of baby boys and baby girls so I am having trouble guessing. Denny needs to get the betting going so baby E wins some $.
I'm guessing girl...she's tucked in neatly and you're not showing! Boys are all show, tee hee. Prove me right! :) E wants a girl cousin! :) (To make this official, I need one good belly picture to confirm my very scientific method of diagnostic prediction.)
I guess girl too...I did not have a feeling on this for a while, and maybe my method is off because I have seen NO belly shots, but I already know two people pregnant with girls, Aishah, and Jessica Retzke, and we all know things come in threes...............if I am wrong this will be the FIRST wrong call in like 3 years!!!
The date is on my calendar... and you know that means it is IMPORTANT! I can't wait to celebrate with you both :)
Papa guesses Boy
Mimi guesses Boy
* let's keep those guesses coming!
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