Sunday, September 6, 2009

Only 16 more days...

Okay time to take a guess....In 16 days we will have an ultrasound to find out if little Baby Ehrmin is a BOY or GIRL! Click "comment" underneath this post and write if you think it is going to be a BOY or GIRL! We will then post all the guesses at the end of the week. Try to post your guess by next weekend :)


Jayme Crawford said...

GIRL! glad all is going well can't wait to find out :)

Mimi and Papa said...

Callie - girl
Jay - boy
Mimi - boy
Papa - boy
Here are our guesses! How much for each bet???? lvoemomma

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

I'm guessing it's a GIRL! I'll get the official bets from Uncle Craig and cousin Elisabeth ASAP.

Frances said...

I LOVE ALL YOUR GUESSES! Keep them coming :) I'll post my guess and Denny's guess at the end of the week!

Jenny and Jon said...

Jenny: Girl
Jon: Girl
Jackson: Girl (he's going with the team trend here)

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Craig: Girl
Elisabeth: Girl (one minute, then Boy the next minute...she'll be a winner no matter what the result, hahaha)

Emily said...

John and I think it's a boy! But part of me hopes it's a girl so you can paint the room with pink and yellow stripes :)

Melanie said...

I REFUSE to guess until you post a picture of your belly...and if you try to tell me you aren't showing I don't believe you!!!!!!! There has to be a tiny bump at least!!!

Meg said...

I am going with he can protect future little sisters, just like Denny :)

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Thanks for the push, Melanie! I know there's a belly in there and we've got to see it, to guess it! :) Come on, Mommy Ehrmin!

Meg said...

Stacy: Girl
Kevvie: Girl
Tim: Girl

And theres a little bump there! I saw it this weekend!!

Mimi and Papa said...

I don't see any guesses by grandma and grandpa Ehrmin????? Denny needs to prepare an excel sheet with all the guesses. I say losers buy diapers, winners buy baby wipes. Then, baby ehrmin wins either way....:) love, mimi

Frances said...

Grandpa Ehrmin e-mailed and said he doesn't have a guess. And I haven't heard from Grandma Ehrmin...I'll have to call and ask :)

Jenny and Jon said...

You need to show the actual BELLY sans shirt.........but it is starting to show on that last will be amazed if you do this week by week at the changes when you look back!

Katie said...

I would love for you to have a little girl, duh! But I feel a bit of a boy... I will post John's opinion later!

Melanie said...

Hooray. Ask and you shall receive. Your little belly is beyond adorable!!!!
Melanie - girl
Zack - girl (and he said he's so confident he's willing to put money on it...) I asked why so confident, he said "I just know, I'm always right about this kind of stuff". Ha. We'll have to see!!!

Canon and Laura said...

Woah, I'm totally late here... Canon and I both guess GIRL!!!

Meg said...

(From G-ma Ehrmin)
Sorry this is late. I thought I would never say this. And believe me this is the one and only time...GO BLUE! I think you will have a little boy-a baby Denny, and I cant wait!

Love you both! G-ma

Karri said...

Hi Frances. Anna, Olivia and Ellena want to take a guess on the gender of Baby Ehrmin.

Olivia's guess= boy
Anna's guess = girl
Ellena's guess = girl
My guess: healthy baby!

We hope you are feeling well. We love your Blog. Take care,
Karri, Jerry and the girls